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Zaheer's POV

The sound is annoying, ya rabbi I hissed and stretched out my hand I'm search of the phone, where is it? Left Right I don't know, huh and finally I have gotten it, I snoozed that annoying sound before sitting up right.

I muttered:
"الحمد لله الذي احيانا بعد ما اماتنا واليه النشور "
Before heading to the washroom, I performed my daily routine before coming back to the room, I pray my nawafils and then went to the masjid after the adhan call for fajr prayer.

I met ahbi and Jawad in the sitting room before we all headed to the masjid all together to pray in congregation.

After we've prayed we stayed and exchange pleasantries with some neighbours, we stayed there for about 30mins before heading back home we met ummie in the living room.
"Ummie good morning' I knelt down in front of her
"Morning Dan albarka"she placed her hand on my head, I took a hold of the hand and picked it she smiled.
"Mom I will take a nap before work time" I said
She nodded and smiled.

I headed back to my room and and lied on my king size bed.
I don't know what actually flashes that brat into my brain.

She's indeed beautiful but rude, Allah those eyes, I just don't know why But nothing feels better than staring at that dark brown orbs, they can drive me off the universe,I like the way she smile I even love her confidence have to admit it, she's impressing me, how she use to stand her grounds,I like women like her, but why is she being so rude toward me, I will never allow a room for that, she's being so rude which is not supposed to be, she firstly disgrace me in the airport and now trying to boss me in my father's company which I am now the CEO, she's trying to break my ego but that will never happen, a man that lacks ego lacks almost everything he is not a complete man.

I will make sure she respect me and my ego and she have to accept that I am above her, that I am the one who supposed to rule not her, I will never allow a lady beat me, I will never allow her to make the other staffs look for look down at me, me the zaheer, I am me nothing will change me.


I drove at the highest pace, I'm a little bit late due to how I overslept and that's not how it suppose to be, I believe in that all those working under you will copy from you, if I'm always late they too will be I made that as my policy.
I zoomed out of my car and headed toward the building that helds numerous offices and workers, I walked passed gazalion of greetings that I left hanging and headed to my destination, I called for the elevator car and patiently waited for it to arrive, I dashed in just immediately and directed it to the 10th floor I met someone inside with an additional person who just entered.

"Good morning" Mrs Waleed greeted
"Morning how are you"I smiled
We exchange pleasantries and I came to realize that the other person is no one but that bitch operating her phone.
"Mean she can't exchange a simple greetings with people, anywheres she will never change
"Maman Jojo good morning" greeted the bitch.
"Morning beauty, how are you"
"Fine alhmdulillah how is my JoJo now feeling"
"Better alhmdulillah"

So it's me that she can't greet not even a sallam, I shrugged it and removed my phone from my pocket chatting, or should I said listening to their conversation the elevator stopped at the 10th floor I gushed out of it or should I say ran into my office.

After the endless emails and meetings the day is finally over I asked my secretary to rearrange my schedules for tomorrow because I'm having an appointment with zayad's father tommorow.

I just want to get home on time, I'm already missing mom and her delicious foods,I headed to my car and revived it into life I started reversing the car and then boom a car ram into mine, the driver just did it deliberately my freaking Ferrari la Ferrari the most precious car I have ever owned, I bought it with my own money because I really want to own something, I has never had a single scratch on it, I so much value it I fell like screaming ya Allah, I came to realize that the driver is no one but the she devil, she intentionally did it.

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