Chapter 1. Sight-Fight!

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It was a fresh morning, trees swinging, flowers dangling, birds chirping and Mr. Sun peeping inside the glass glow windows as I left the curtains undrawn at night being too lethargic and fatigue. The blunt light sharply scintillated at my golden-polished, shiny, alluringly designed bed permitting me to wake up. Thereby, I wrapped myself in the quilt to avoid any hindrance in my sleep.

As my sleep got deeper my alarm thunderously banged over my head, shocking me to death. I immediately jumped out of my warm, cozy bed got ready at a tremendous pace as always. Changing my pajamas into my ironed, starched coat with decent pants I gulped the fried bread with scrambled egg hurriedly. Rushed to the college and barged into the classroom.

Mr.Sameul groaned at me as I bumped into the classroom followed by his lecture on Chemistry pedagogy vividly about moles and stoichiometry and further details. But right now, all that raced through my mind was untangled life and stunning sista of mine. Oh, I haven't introduced you to her.

So, Mila is my bestie and sister from another mister. She was on leave as she was occupied with her elder sister's wedding. I was all alone as I didn't have friends with whom I could study, eat, party, watch movies, hang out, text, and call them, all these leisure were for Mila as I had no one.

All of them- all students were partially mentally retarded as they believed the rumors which said my father had vanished my mother, was it using any kinda' spell? Lol! Ridiculous it sensed to me! This was pretty peculiar as there were neither authentic rationales nor valid shreds of evidence. All I couldn't even comprehend all my life was Why was I punished even for God's sake it was true? However, I had to live my life in this hodgepodge along with these heartless people around me.

Moreover, every day I used to fight, not physically but perhaps mentally, it was sight-fight. Everyone used to gaze me furiously, fuming me into a rage. But I would also stare them until they lowered their gaze. But today I felt weak, weaker, and weakest as I didn't have my support system. Though, I tried to maintain the same swag today as well anyways.

As I proceeded through the passage towards my Robotics Class, I was flabbergasted as my ocean eyes saw something unusual rather than say something strange. Someone was sitting on Mila's desk which was beside my seat. I bounced in my chair bewildered that everyone used to be reluctant to sit beside me with the hilarious fear of me disappearing them with a magic spell; "Abra Ka Dabra'. I pondered, "What has gotten into him." He gave me a grimace. I immediately drew curtains with my hair peering into my book. The teacher entered the class, I started jotting down brief notes.

*____________________BELL RANG__________________* 

Who was he??? I wondered falling into puzzled doll drums.

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Broken Angel |By Syeda Abiha ShamsWhere stories live. Discover now