Chapter 5. Truth

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The figure soon approached me.
It was Louis. He came and asked,"Miss Sanchester?"
I nodded.

He pointed towards the car and asked me to sit.
I looked at him for few seconds to ask him about my father ? But then a my gaze caught a women coming out of the car in her long white wedding frock.

My eyes were wide open now .
Through my mind raised numerous questions.

Is she married?
To my father?
Where is he?
No, way !! Is Louis her son?
What is all this?
Where's my father?

While I was flushed with all the thoughts, the lady approached me and said angrily,"Get into this car! God Damn it!"

I looked at her and asked," Who are you?, Where's my father? What are you both doing in his car?"

Not answering my questions she grabbed me with her hard large hands and dragged me towards the car.

I settled in the car with questioning looks, my father was not in my car either, watching Louis now for my answers who was driving. He didn't bothered to look at me.

I banged my hand on the window and yelled, " Where's my dad?"
My voice chocked at the end.
Tears rolled out of my eyes.

I caught Louis attention who then said," We are heading towards the hospital!".

I gave him why looks?
He looked at me through the back mirror and grumpily answered, "You'll know, now shut up little beast."

Tears took over my face, warming up my face. Horrible ideas related to my father crept inside my brain. But not for too long when I was interrupted by a phone call .
I looked at the callers ID ;


I attended the call and was welcomed by her sweet voice,"Ey Girl! How have you been doing?
We met at the school briefly."

I answered blankly sniffing,"I'll talk to you later baby, a little occupied right now."
I hung up.

I was now again too anxious. The car stopped infront of a mansion instead. I looked at Louis quizzically.

He opened the door for me and placed his hand before me saying ,"May I Miss Sanchester?"

I grabbed his hand in arrogance and pleaded, "Where's my father? Kindly let me know now, please. Don't lie to me."
My eyes again welled up.

He pulled me into hug,patted my shoulder and said," You'll know soon."
He wiped my tears and took me to the elongated, beautiful mansion.
Taking the straight,shiny stairs we headed towards a room.

When he was about to open the lock, I asked nervously," Is he in there?"

He chuckled and said," Nope, but somewhere near, don't think much shit, just get ready and get down, we have to leave."

I looked at him, he pushed me into the room and said,"I am waiting for you downstairs. She'll help you with everything Agatha Sanchester." Pointing towards a young lady with blonde hair.

She looked young

Though, I entered the room which was dimly lighted. The floor was carpeted with a maroon rug with the bed in centre which had a maroon blanket over a pink bedsheet with net pieces tied towards it's corner upwards to below at the end of the bed. There was a long,wooden cupboard decorated with design over it. And a dressing table with lights on it. The room looked to beautiful.

I seated onto the chair and looked at her. She looked at me and said," My name is Erica Maldives, I'll help you with your make over. You just go and water this dress." She pointed towards the white long frock which was sleeveless. I wore the frock which revealed my pale,long arms. It had U -shaped neck designed with beads and glitter.

After I wore the clothes, I seated on the seat ventrical to the lighted dressing, Erica did my make up

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After I wore the clothes, I seated on the seat ventrical to the lighted dressing, Erica did my make up.

I asked her to keep it light as I didn't like heavy makeup much.

She made me wore a foundation, followed by face powder, then did a baby pink eye shadow followed by a whole lot of things which I am not even aware of.

After the makeover was done, I slided downstairs followed by Louis beautiful grey eyes.

He wore a white tuxedo to my surprise, I had never seen anybody wear a white tuxedo, always black I had seen in my seventeen years. His hair were styled back, with him dressed all proper. I wonder what the event is. It felt like a wedding to me. Was this my father's wedding? I thought and flushed away this thought at once. Reaching downstairs towards him.
I said, " Kindly now take me to my father."
He said," You look too beautiful girl!"
I ignored and snapped,"Stop this nonsense, tell me where is my father?"

Louis held my hand and took me towards the BMW, we settled together at the back and the car sped somewhere I don't know.

The whole ride was silent, I didn't conversed with him,knowing that he would say you're gonna know soon.

I watched outside the window the entire route. Car stopped and we departed from the car ,heading towards the long, decorated hall. All around it were white and pink roses. The place had a lot of roses, making it look further ravishing.

We rushed down the elongated, red carpeted hall. I had always been nervous around a lot of people so my grip over Louis hand hardened.
I asked him softly," Please, I beg of you now, don't test my patience Louis"

He looked at me quizzically for how did I knew his name.
But then he pointed towards where they were standing.

My dad and that lady.

When I approaches them,he and she exchanged the rings and were happily married. The way they looked each other made me think that they knew each other for a long time and also loved each other.

My grip on Louis hand tighten, he looked at me and patted my shoulder knowing that how broken I was.
It was the start, I already knew it.

My thoughts were interrupted when my father announced," She my wife, Lucy Reid. I love her so much."

My jaw clenched and then darkness took me away but I landed on something or someone soft.


Broken Angel |By Syeda Abiha ShamsWhere stories live. Discover now