Chapter Three

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You walk out of class and make your way to the cafeteria, you grab a sandwich and make your way to the school roof top.

you sit there with phone in hand scrolling through instagram, as there was a nice breeze that made your hair fly in all different directions, you sit there thinking if its a good idea to take a nap, suddenly you hear something next to you, you look over its kuroo "What do you want, money for the coffee" you grumbled while looking away, "I'm just wondering why your alone all the time" he said with a hit of worry in his voice, "what's your problem, why should you care, I don't need your pity" you go to leave but something stops you"can I get your number" he ask, you look at him in annoyances and pull out a pieces of paper and scribble down something with your lucky pen and hand it to him.

"do not lost it" you walk away and go back down stairs, as you hear the bell ring, and make your way to homeroom, you arrive at homeroom, and feel frazzled at what happen, you sit in your chair and look around the room everyone was talking to there friends, you look outside and day dream about last time you had friends.

Last time in day care, you were walking around carefree and started making a sandcastle, well it was more like a bolder, you look over the bolder to see a boy around your age, and that was the first time you ever made a friend, you played together every single day, but after your dad died, his face started to fade away as his and his family moved away, and after mum cut ties with everyone, you never meet him again.

"wake up Y/N" a voice was calling you, you look up to see that's it's kuroo, you get up from your sit rub your eyes and grab your things, it was already getting dark outside "let me walk you home" he said, "err... no thanks" you said back, "but its dark out you could get kidnapped" you though about it, over and over until "okay.." you both walk out while he was standing very close to you as you walk home, 'wtf is his problem'.

you make it home, and heated up a microwave dinner, as you brushed your teeth and went to bed.

you hear a ding, its from a unknown number it reads.

'hi it's me kuroo, goodnight sweet dream ;P'

You laugh what a dork and trailed off back to sleep.

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