Chapter 5

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You both sat in the car not saying anything for a minute when Spencer decided to turn on the radio, You send me by Sam Cooke suddenly playing out of the speakers.
"Holy shit."
"Oh my god." 
You were laughing. What were the chances that this of all songs was playing at this exact moment on the channel Spencer had last listened to.
"Do you remember when you put this on a cassette tape-"
"And we used to listen to it all the time, on drives in your car, dancing in your den or my room..." He trailed off, a smile on his face and his cheeks flushed a shade of pink. You turned from him back to the front, biting your lip-a bad habit you had picked up as a teenager. From Spencer no doubt. "Nice shoes by the way." He quickly looked over with his eyebrows raised then back at the road.
"You too." This time you could feel your own cheeks burning.
"Nice... outfit, hair-everything." He cleared his throat. "You look really nice."
"Oh. Thank you, you too." You turned to look at him and realized you were staring for a little longer than necessary.

Spencer pulled up outside your apartment building and you thought he would just drop you off but he stopped the car and opened his door. Oh. He seemed to read your mind.
"Statistically speaking-"
"Spencer if this is a stat about the likelihood of me getting murdered making my way to my apartment, I don't want to hear it."
"Fair enough."
Once you were standing outside your door the awkwardness set in again. Did you hug? Shake hands? You'd had a great day and it was amazing seeing Spence again but what if he just considered you an old friend from school? 
"Well, thanks for the lift. And the sundae." 
Spencer was doing that smile where his lips were pursed and turned up at the corners and his nose twitched. You smiled at the sight of it, trying not to laugh and brought a hand up to your face. Spencer had known you long enough to know exactly what you were smiling at and his smile turned to a bigger one. 
He was also trying to think of what to say. He didn't know how you'd react if he hugged you, and a handshake seemed too formal. 
"No problem." Guess that was it. 
You nodded and turned the key in your door.

You were lying in your bed watching netflix, unable to sleep when your phone buzzed with a notification next to you.
Unknown number: Hey, it was great seeing you again today. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out again.
It's Spencer by the way.
You: Yeah it was. And I'd love to :)
Spencer: Are you free tomorrow?
You: Yeah
Spencer: I can pick you up at 7?
You: See you then.

You fell back onto your pillow a smile plastered on your face and your heart feeling like it was about to burst. Shit. You felt like a teenager.

Back in his own apartment Spencer was doing the same.

shared sweaters and quiet drives [Spencer Reid x Reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang