Chapter 6

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You woke up to the sound of your alarm. You had a job today taking engagement photos for a really sweet couple. And then dinner with Spencer. You smiled immediately at the thought of seeing him again. You were reminded of when you and Spencer were in in high school together. How often you'd hang out, either planned or spontaneously showing up at each others house. The movies, music, dancing, studying, and sometimes just company. How you'd always been there for each other. And then you were reminded of the years you'd gone without any word to each other. Your smile faded. Focus.

Once you were showered and dressed and had everything you needed you stepped out of your apartment locking it behind you. Someone was leaving Mark's apartment.
"Bye, have a good day at work."
"I will. And maybe I'll see you later?"
You were trying to pay no attention as you locked your door, not wanting to seem like you were intentionally listening but then they both turned to you.
"You must be Y/N!" the man reached out a hand,
"Oh, um yeah that's me."
"Mark's told me a lot about you, the famous photographer neighbor." You laughed and hoped it didn't seem to forced. shaking his hand
"I'm not sure about that."
"And modest? We'll definitely have to get you to take some photos of us. I'm Alex by the way."
"Nice to meet you." Alex was also attractive. And you tried to not to make it look like you were checking him out. Which-you kind of were. "Well, I've gotta go. It was nice to meet you." You didn't want embarrass yourself any more than you already had.
"You too! You'll have to come over for dinner one night, Mark makes an excellent alfredo pasta. You glanced over to Mark not wanting to insert yourself where you weren't wanted. He looked slightly embarrassed but he was also smiling and his cheeks were slightly flushed.
"You should."
"Sounds like a plan. See you!"

Today was going well. The engagement photos had turned out great so far. You had plans with your neighbor some time soon and tonight you were seeing Spencer. It had been so long but you hadn't forgotten this feeling, of anticipation and excitement. You knew it was stupid, You hadn't seen each other for so long, for all you knew he had a girlfriend and just felt bad that you it had been years since you'd last spoken let alone hung out. But part of you was hopeful-you didn't even know what exactly it was you were hopeful for and you tried to clear your head as you walked around your apartment. You needed a drink. Was that a good idea? Fuck it. You opened your fridge and poured yourself a glass of wine.

You'd had another shower to pass the time and were trying to decide what to wear. As far as you were aware you were just getting drinks and dinner. You decided on a simple white knit sweater which you slipped over a black lacy bra, and a pair of jeans that-to put it bluntly-flattered your figure. You applied some mascara and a tinted chapstick you'd had for probably too long. You slipped on your sneakers and checked your phone for the time.
6:59. Why were you so nervous? It's just Spencer. You sprayed some perfume and stepped into it. The same one you'd worn out with his team. You checked your phone again and as the time changed from 6.59 to 7 your doorbell rang.
How punctual and Spencer-ry of him.

You opened the door and Spencer was standing there, a nervous smile plastered on his face. He was wearing black pants, a light blue button up shirt, and a navy tie and cardigan. He looked...
"You look-uh-you look really nice." He glanced from the ground up to your face then back to the ground, interrupting your thoughts.
"Oh, thank you. So do you." He looked back up at you, and this time held eye contact, a small smile on his face.

Once you were in his car and on your way things had started off awkward but soon enough slipped into a comforting familiarity. Spencer telling you about his work, the people he's encountered, and the things he'd learnt. You told him about your work, the customers you'd experienced-the good and the bad- what moving was like, how things were back home, when you passed the camera shop that you took your film to to get developed.
"Hey can we stop here real quick I just need to pick something up."
"Of course."
You were surprised they were still open but remembered there was a showing of submitted photos tonight. The neon lights in the shop window were reflecting on the puddles outside and you could hear the chatter and practically feel the warmth coming from the inside. It was one of your favorite places and you didn't know why but you felt happy to be able to bring Spencer.

"Y/N!" Joey, the owner of the place noticed you as you walked in and waved you and Spencer over. He handed you the envelope containing the photos your mum had sent you. "I've gotta go mingle and introduce people but take a look around." He turned to Spencer and gave him a quick smile and nod before dissapearing into the void of people.
"We don't have to look around."
"Where should we look first." You and Spencer spoke at the same time. "Are you kidding, I'd love to, this is apart of your world, besides, I've always been interested in photography, everything they can capture and convey." his face was lit up with a soft pink from one side and purple on the other. And you found yourself staring at him for a moment too long before snapping to attention.

You made your way around, looking at photos of gardens, and smiling kids to name a few. Spencer had his hands in his pockets, except for when he was pointing something out to you, giving you a not so brief history or explanation of the different locations featured. At the back corner of the room there was a black and white photos of two hands, linked with each other. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Spencer take his hand out of his pocket, almost hesitantly, but instead of pointing something out or checking his watch he reached for your hand and took it in his. He didn't say anything, and neither did you. But you stayed like that until you left.

Once you were back in the car you felt flushed, and not just from the temperature.
"So what are the photos?" Spencer glanced over.
"My mum actually sent them over, they're from when we were kids. So god knows what they'll be like, but I thought might as well." You opened up the envelope and took the photos out. The first one a blurry photo of an apple on your old kitchen counter. You let out a laugh. "Well that's promising." Spencer laughed too, and leaned over slightly so he could see.
The next photo was a photo of your older sister, sitting outside in her green checkered bathers-the same ones that you and your other sister's had had, squinting in the sunlight.
"That's a good one." The next one was worse than the first. It was like a random lucky dip, except not all lucky. You moved it to the back and when you saw the photo under if you felt you heart do something in your chest, whether it was skip a beat, flip, or speed up or stop completely. It was a photo of you and Spencer on your old couch in the den. Grinning from ear to ear. "Holy shit." His eyebrows were slightly furrowed but he was smiling, like he was slightly surprised but happy. He turned to face you and you realized just how close you were. You looked back down at the photo.
"Holy shit is right."
"You haven't changed."
You groaned. "Really?" You turned to face him again and saw that he was staring at you.
"Well your're taller-"
"I would hope so."
"And your hair's longer," he brought a hand up to your face and moved a piece of your hair behind your ear. The particular photo had been taken after a very bad haircut and you cringed at the memory.
"I would hope that's the case too." You were trying to stay calm, to keep things at the same level, but inside your chest your heart felt like it might just burst, and the same for your brain.

shared sweaters and quiet drives [Spencer Reid x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now