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You were backstage getting ready for performance with girls. You went on stage and everyone started filming, taking pictures and yelling. You sang with fans, taking pics and playing games with girls while on stage. You got bored after a while so you grabbed big shot gun and filled with water while no-one of the girls were looking. You gave one to Sophie and you started splashing everyone
Ch: I jus- ahhhhhhh!!!!
Said Chloe turning around chasing you. Let's just say It was good performance.

Harry's pov
We came to my apartment I have with my bend members. I gave mia's bag on table while she was looking around
M: wow
H: yup
Mia ran to my room.
H; sorry it's not cleaned up
M: it's ok
Mia said smiling at me.
H: are you hungry
M: yeah
H: did you eat pancakes before?
M: ya but long time ago
H:wanna eat pancakes?
Mia smiled and nooded.
H: so firts I'm not good and pancakes.
Mia laughed and came to me. I gave her on counter and started mixing all the ingredients.
H: here
M: yummmmm
Said Mia eating one piece of pancake.
Then boys came
Z: why are you guys so stupid all the time

I laughed while Mia was looking at them with are they ok  look
H: little bit calmer voice
Lo: w-oh hello
N: aww
L: hi I'm Liam, this is niall, Louis and zayn
Said Liam introducing everyone.
M: hi im Mia
Tb: hello Mia
Lo: who is that
Said Louis when Mia went in bathroom to wash her hands.
H: Katie's kid
Tb; WHAT?!
I told them everything (mia wasn't there)
N: poor girl
H; yeah...
We talked while Mia was watching tv next to me. I got up and turned off kitchen light.
Mia came to me and took my hand.
H; yes Mia
I said getting on my knees to see her
M: *yawns*
H: lets get you to sleep
I said picking her up. We came to my bedroom. I have her on bed and gave her favorite toy and her blanket. She fell asleep right away. I came back to boys.
Lo:wow Harry taking care of the baby.
N: styles knows how to take care of the baby
H: ok ok shut up now

Back to your pov
You went in my car all wet from water guns. You ran inside to Harry's apartment to get Mia, rang the doorbell and niall opened the door
N: Jesus kattie you are all wet
Y: y-yeah
You said kinda freezing
H; who is it?
N: kattie
Harry stood up and came to you.
H: he- Omg why are you all wet??
Y: water guns
Harry laughed and dragged you inside. He slowly  went in his room and came back with his clothes.
H: here
Y: nono its ok
Harry looked at you
H: go change
You rolled your eyes playfully.
Y; fineeeeee
Harry smiled.
H:thank you

You came out in sweatpants and his hoodie

You came to them and everyone looked at you up and down and then at Harry

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You came to them and everyone looked at you up and down and then at Harry.
Y: where is Mia?
H; she was asleep so I gave her in my bed.
Y; Oh im Sorry about that
N: can i ask something
Y; hm?
You said looking at niall
N; why are you saying sorry so much
Y: i-uh well just my previous relationship
Everyone went quiet.
Y: well i should probably go.
H; nono stay it's ok leave Mia sleep
Y; it-
Tb: you can stay here
Y:but where are you going to sleep.
H: on couch. You can sleep in my bed with Mia.
Boys went to sleep while you were in Harry's bed with Mia.
You got up and went in living room
To look at Harry. He wasn't in comfy positions you could saw that.
Y: Harry
Harry moved for a little bit and looked at you
H; everything ok?
He said in raspy voice.
Y; yeah come
You said taking his hand and pulling him up. He got up.
H: where are we going?
Y: sleep
H: I just slept
You came in his room.mia was sleeping in the middle.
Y: here go to bed.
Harry was so asleep he just went in bed and flopped to sleep.  You fell asleep after a while

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