paths cross again

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i might have been easy to pursue, but i was not as easy to contain

the moment i knew that you were more than a friend to me was when you came seeking for advice on another girl when i was still under my spell with sun king. i did not sabotage your chances with her, no, i was honest with you and told you the truth about what you needed to do because that was what a friend needed: advice. he did not need a jealous girl who should not have been jealous because she had a boyfriend who only cared about her behind closed doors. in that moment, i knew that i needed to be the friend, the good and trustworthy friend that would help you be happy with the girl of your dreams.

the moment you knew that i was more than a friend to you is something i do not know. but, i know that when you asked me about my relationship with sun king a few weeks after our friendship finally began to blossom, you were looking for an explanation. how is it that the outgoing girl with a distinct personality was with a robot, a boy that did not share his feelings to anyone, had no facial expression in conversation, and seemed fairly careless in making sure his partner was genuinely smiling for the sake of it, and not to hide the fact that she was not happy with him? and when i explained with the lovesick expression that manipulated girls have on their faces, you understood. in that moment, you knew that you needed to be the friend, the kind and gentle friend that would support me with the boy of my dreams. 

our paths connected to become a crossroad. there you were, waving and saying hello. there i was, smiling and asking about your story. but sadly, i had a path i believed i had to stick to. your offer to follow made me believe for a second that there was something more to this journey. but, i waved it aside. after all, this path, this relationship, was the only thing i knew. i needed it to stay alive. so with that, we said our goodbyes and followed paths parallel to each other's in opposite directions. 

there was some time before our paths connected again. this time, when we talked, i understood that there was more to this life than just one path. there was so much more than that. you would tell me that i never left the back of your mind; i was preoccupying the space meant for overgrown thoughts and daydreams. despite the others you pursued, you would come to dead ends. with me, the path never ended. 

and so i take your hand  in mine and lead you off the path, ready to make a new one just for ourselves. 

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