Chapter 32🌺

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Dr. Ally and the doctor walk back in and Dr. Ally says "I am clearing you, I think you just had a bad day and started thinking too much and that put you in a bad place, but I am prescribing you a medicine to help you with that, but I am only giving you three at a time for two weeks, then you will be off of it for two weeks and if you have any bad feelings, or flashbacks you will be put back on it" I say "okay, thanks". The doctor says "you can go home tomorrow, I just want to make sure everything is okay overnight" I say "okay, thank you" both doctors say "you're welcome and leave. Jaden says "I will go get everyone else" I say "okay" and he leaves Addison says "if you ever feel like that again please tell me" I say "I will, I promise". 

She hugs me and says "mom and dad were going to come tomorrow but since you are okay and everything they decided to stay home with the boy's and they are planning on coming sometime next week" I say "okay". Jaden and everyone else walks back in and Bryce says "it is late you should get some rest, I am going to go home, I will bring you three some clothes for tomorrow, call me if you need me" I say "okay, thank you" Josh says "bye, see you tomorrow" Anthony, Griffin, and Avani say "bye get some rest" Charli and Dixie say "goodnight" and Josh says "sleep good" I say "okay, bye guys". 

Everyone leaves and Addison walks them out, Jaden lays his head on my bed while holding my hand and I run my hand through his hair and take my hands and put them on his cheeks and move his head up. We look into each others eyes and start to lean in, we kiss and smile at each other. Addison comes back and she lays on the couch that is in the room and she falls asleep, I look at Jaden and say "lay with me" I move over and he climbs in bed with me and we cuddle and I play with his hair and he has his hand behind me and he rubs my back until we fall asleep.

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