Assassin!OC One Shot #1

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G: Baby... I'm sorry okay? It's a business deal...

An Nian: Hmph, I don't care, go ahead sign her! Guess you don't need me anymore after all these years! *Door slams*

G: *sighs* What am I going to now? Solve the work issue or him first?

*Phone rings*

G: Hello Jiě? (...) No, no. There's no big argument... Just, he doesn't agree with what I want to do and got sulky. (...) Really? Thanks so much, I feel bad for always having to ask you to help me watch over him... (...) Okay, I will. Have a nice day, bye.


J: There, I called him. Happy now?

An Nian: Y-No. I don't care about him, who told you to call him. I didn't need you to call him. Nope, not at all.

J: *sigh* I've been your Dà Jiě for years already, I know how you are like... Tell me, what happened that made you so unhappy?

An Nian: H- He wants to sign another assassin! Another one! I won't be the only one anymore!!

J: Oh, so that's what happened... I heard from him before this assassin is good though, from overseas too. Won't it be good for his business?

An Nian: But that's not the point Dà Jiě! Point is, he wants another assassin to work for him... He doesn't want me anymore right? He thinks I'm not good enough for him anymore? He is going to leave me? *tears up*

J: Xiăo Niăn, he loves you very much, more than his family... He wouldn't leave you, even if he signs another assassin into his group. It would be good for his business, having one more assassin to work under him. Wouldn't he earn more and have more money to pamper you with?

An Nian: B- But... Don't I do enough already? I knew it! He really doesn't want me anymore! *starts crying*

J: Ah ah ah, come here you poor child. Dà Jiě gives you a hug, cry all you want, let it all out. Tomorrow will be a better day, try clear up the misunderstanding soon okay? I feel heartbroken seeing you like this.


G: Jiě... It's been three weeks. Why hasn't he come home? You're not keeping him from me are you?

J: Of course not! He went on a mini trip with his bestie, to relax and all you know?

G: Which one? He has four.

J: The one who can't seem to stay away from her headphones... what's her name again?

G: That's Dev. Why didn't anybody tell me then? I was worried about how he was doing and nobody gave me proper updates.

J: I did! I told you didn't I?

G: You literally just say, "He's doing fine." Just that, how am I suppose to know how is he doing from those three words??

J: Lighten up a bit will you? I told Dev to bring him back to home after the trip, I'll send someone to bring his clothes over. Anyways, how did the job go?

G: *sigh* Don't even mention about it. The new one failed the test. Couldn't stay professional, I say she's just plain crazy and needs to get her fashion style checked. She let the target loose! At least I didn't spend any money on this.

J: Tch personal style is unique, you don't know anything about it, don't say anything bad. So now that you aren't signing her, your unhappy wife would come running back.

G: You know it isn't that easy... He's fragile, he will just shut himself off from me and keep everything to himself.

J: Unfortunately or fortunately for him, he told me. Which means I would, for the better of your relationship, convey it to you. Wow, your face suddenly brightened up so much, I think I need to get my sunglasses first. Kidding, I'm kidding. Don't glare at your Jiě like that, it's rude. Anyways...


An Nian: So... you didn't sign her in?

G: No, she failed the test... Baby, I'm really not leaving you. I know you can be very insecure at times so I just want you to remember that I won't leave you ever. Not even death will bring us apart because I'll follow you to your next life, no matter how broken you are.

An Nian: Truth?

G: Mm *nods* Truth. Absolutely the truth.

An Nian: Okay, I forgive you.

G: Woop! *tries hugging An Nian*

An Nian: *dodges* But! No touching me for a week. That's your punishment. Don't use puppy eyes, they look weird on you.


Happy ever after I guess??

An Nian is my OC, made just to be put into BxB pairings :3
Dev is also my OC, one of my oldest ones. A gamer girl.
G is just shortform for Gõng, as in husband. J short for Jiě, sister in Chinese.

Random question: What country do you think I'm from just based on the way I wrote this Eng-Chn cross?

S/E: 4 July 2020

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