Big Boss #3

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An Nian: But I want to!

Guang Song: Baby... I know you want to come out to them and be mushy with me openly but we can't. Not now, the elders won't allow it... they're going to threaten to kick you off your seat under the basis of you embarrassing the association.

An Nian: To hell with them! What if we just kill them off silently in one shot? Can we?

Guang Song: No! Baby, calm down first. Come and sit down please? We have to think this through properly.

An Nian: Hmph... Huff... fine.

  The hot-headed man wearing an oversized cat print shirt finally sits down on the bed next to the other guy in the room. The soft and bouncy bed does it job and calms down the man who was just walking around the room spouting curses left and right.

"I'm thinking... if we can't tackle this from inside, how about from outside? If majority of the public accepts us, then they can't say that our association will become a laughing stock for having two gay men in it."

  Hearing this, Guang Song tackles An Nian in a hug. "Oh my god, Baby! That's the best thing I've heard from your mouth since an hour ago!"

  They share a wide smile until they take notice of the position they're in. Guang Song towering over An Nian, with both hands on both sides. The man on top smirked at the fact that he had the seemly cold big boss of the association trapped between his body and the comfy bed with nowhere to run.

  Since the door was locked, he could even have his way with him and no one could break in to stop. Not even that annoying American bodyguard.

  An Nian though, was a whole different story. He didn't seem aware of the impending doom he was going to face. All he saw was the way the loose strands of silver hair fell at the sides of his husband's face. Those smirking lips that were practically begging him to kiss them, the dark obsidian eyes dragging him into an unknown abyss.

  He was entranced.

  The top decided to take the chance when his wife was unguarded, being extremely cute with his lips slightly open and eyes shining brightly. He went in for the kill, as soon as their lips touched he slipped in his tongue without a second wasted. He knows as soon as An Nian comes back to his senses, he would start resisting. By then, the gates to heaven would have been too tightly closed for him to enter.

  What he didn't expect tonight though, was that the latter had willingly brought their activity further than they've ever gone.


  Needless to say, their first time was amazing. Yes, their first time. Even though they've been together for more than a year already, they've never done anything more than pecks and hugging, and the occasional make out in the lounge. They were busy with work, that and the actual reason that An Nian wasn't ready and Guang Song wouldn't force his precious baby to do something he didn't want.

  They discussed their plans the next morning after breakfast with the rest of the family, they were going to slowly gain popularity as a gay couple online first such as on Instagram and Twitter. They already checked before that none of the elders and the other gang members rarely used social media so their chances of being caught was very low. They were busy making money to support their families anyways, ever since An Nian slowly cut out a majority of their illegal businesses.

  They posted things such as quotes and lyrics, it was always about something good about their relationship and life. They did get haters at first but slowly those people disappeared and people were admiring them for being brave to open up about their sexuality to the world. Especially since they lived in a very conservative country.

  This went on for a few years and they finally revealed to their now huge fanbase a snippet of who they were. Of course this led to it getting on the news, which was bound to gain the elders' attention, which was part of their plans. Some smart fans already connected the dots a long time ago but chose to keep quiet as a request from the couple.

"How could you do this?! Don't you know this could make our association a laughing stalk?! We have gay men as the head of a faction and the big boss!"

  They must have expected the main leads of today's show to be bothered by their remarks. Unfortunately for them, both An Nian and Guang Song kept their faces straight and eyes cold. It was evident that they didn't care.

"You can't be the head anymore! You're going to push ours and your father's work down the drain with this!"

  Yup, they were right. Luckily for them, they prepared evidence that the public were fine with their relationship. That should shut them up.

  Sure enough, the elders couldn't go against public opinion. They even had a poll asking whether they should break up because some old people didn't want them together in fear of embarrassment. Of course the results were that ninety nine percent said no, they shouldn't because either they were cute and look good together or they should focus on what they themselves want more than what the unaccepting people want.

  They went home and had a sumptuous dinner and fine red wine to celebrate the success of their plan.

  We don't have to mention what happens after right?


Word count: 931 words

S/E: 7 Sep 2020

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