Big Boss #2

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  Today... was an eventful day. So eventful that he felt drained.

  All he wanted was to go home. Cuddle up to Guang Song and bask in the warmth of those arms.

  Why was it eventful? Because yesterday, his idol actor slash good friend, begged him to act as her boyfriend infront of the reporters during the film event this morning. Which as much as he wanted to gag at the time, he couldn't. So what did he do? He kept it in and acted sweet with her. In full honesty, he was considering breaking their friendship and going back to full on idolising her.

  Now, he was finally home after the movie he watched. The trip to movie wasn't that easy either because many people recognised him and kept asking him things, he was alone without Josh so it was even harder to break free without using force. Too much force. Anyways, he reached for the front door knob, only to hear a discussion from the living room. It was his sisters and uncle. And his 'girlfriend'. It seems his family knew that it was an act and were trying to stop her from fantasising, he was forever greatful for that.

  "I'm home..." He said it with a sigh and watched as the actress comes running to him asking him where he was. How far is she going to take this? He tiredly told her that he was tired and wanted to go to bed, that she should go home.

  Unfortunately for him, she didn't go that easily. What was even worse was that while trying to get her to leave, the daughter of one of the elders came, who was also his friend. Who also liked him. Somebody please tell him, why on earth do these women like him when all he did was to do his duty as a Big Boss and friend to protect them?

  His friend was returning something to him, it was a childhood token. He gave it to her as a token of hoping their friendship lasts forever. When he gave it back to her, she threw it out the car window as she was leaving. He wasn't going to lie, it hurt more than he thought it would.

  Is he going to loose his friends from this? From his weakness and softness towards his loved ones?

  When he finally got to his room ignoring his family's concerns, it became apparent to him that the storm was far from over. Because the main problem was here, in his safe haven, it was his actual lover.

GuangSong: You and her-

AnNian: We're not real! It's the truth!

GuangSong: I know... let me finish, I was going to say that you seemed too fake. The people would be blind if they took it for real. You love me anyways right?

AnNian: Phew... Sorry, she begged me to do it and I couldn't do anything because...

GuangSong: She's your idol. And she gave you puppy eyes.

AnNian: How... does he know?

GuangSong: Come here. Let me hug you, I know you need it. Today was tiring right? See? It makes you look so uncute.

AnNian: I wasn't cute to begin with, you idiot bastard!! I'm going to bathe, you sleep first. Before I kick you out for saying that.

GuangSong: Mmmmm~~ You wouldn't really do it. You love me too much.

  Ignoring Guang Song's statement, he quickly turned around and walked into the bathroom with his towel. He will never admit that what his husband said was true. Neither will he admit to anyone, even God, that he was blushing. Never.


  "Guang? Are you asleep already?" Seeing the small shift under the blanket, it was more than enough to answer his enquiry.

  He made sure his hair was more or less dry before laying down beside Guang Song, making sure to off the bedside lamp. Sensing him nearby, the other man turned to face him and wrapped him up in his big strong arms.

  He burrowed deeper into Guang Song's arms, resting his head on the man's biceps, enjoying the warm embrace. It didn't mean that he enjoyed this, it was just cold tonight that's all.

Word count: 699

S/E: 4 Sep 2020

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