First impressions

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The room was so plain, beige and tan decorating it. Makoto couldn't wait to decorate and organize everything.Stretching out again, Makoto realized how uncomfortable he was. After moving all of those boxes, he was sweaty and his clothes were clinging to him. He decided to change into something more comfortable. Sitting back down, Makoto slowly unpacked and arranged his room. He had several books, ranging from regular text books as well several fantasy books.

He quickly moved on, making his bed and adding his own personal touches, which included an entire section in his desk dedicated to instant noodles. Being particularly picky, Makoto thought it would be best to keep some food for himself just in case.

Suddenly voices started erupting from the halls, Makoto froze for a moment. He did his best to make out what the voices were saying, yet everything was a bit unsure.

"Hey wait up!"

"Hurry up slow ass, I'm not waiting for you."

More muttered noises, along with the sound of footsteps erupted from the hall.

"I'm hungry-" More words that Makoto couldn't make out followed.

"Yeah maybe we could- wait a minute who's room is that?"

Damnit, they must've seen the nameplate. I don't feel like seeing people today.

There were some more muttered words, mostly questioning if anyone was home. Eventually the footsteps led away, and Makoto assumed they left. He let out a sigh of relief, moving on to organize his clothes.

In the back of his mind, Makoto worried what the students were talking about downstairs. He tried to down out these worried thoughts with some music. He plugged in his headphones and turned the volume up as high as he could stand it, and continued putting his stuff away.

Meanwhile students were talking down stairs, discussing the new student they discovered.

"Mr. Aizawa, did you know we were getting a new student?" Midoriya asked, looking at the teacher.

"Of course he did Dumbass, he's the goddamn teacher." Bakugou added, Midoriya looked at the blonde for a moment, then back at the teacher.

"You mean Suzuki? Yes, he's exchanging into our class this year."

Everyone took a moment to think to themselves.

"As class representative I will make sure our new classmate feels welcomed!" Iida said, turning to face the rest of the students. Everyone collectively sighed for a moment. "And you all- As his new classmates I expect you to be polite and respectful!"

Iida went on demanding things from his classmates, although most of them drowned him out.

Makoto, on the other hand, had no interest in meeting his classmates that day. I'll be tired and I just want to finish unpacking, I'm sure I'll see them tomorrow. He thought, brushing his hair with his fingers.

The day slowly passed, Makoto stayed locked in his room. Occasionally voices could be heard outside of it, with knocks following. Makoto did his best to ignore them, freezing everytime they came near. His thought process was that if they didn't hear any noise they wouldn't think he'd moved in yet, right?

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