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Daniel's phone

*You've received an instant message from Scarlet*

Scarlet: OMG! Dan, I've got GREAT news!! Jane just sent me Luke's number. I'm extremely excited and I could feel goosebumps all over my body.

Danielle: Wow! Go on, Give him a call or something. At least drop a message so that he'll be aware of your existence. Haha

Scarlet: LOL Very funny. Giving a call with my number would make him feel like I'm a stalker or something. We'll just give a prank call to him after class, tomorrow. Hey, don't forget to bring your phone. We have to record the call. I'll bring that old cell phone my dad used a few years ago. No one would recognize that number. We could destroy the SIM after, if anything weird happens. XD

Danielle: Okay. See ya, you excited happy face!

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