
88 19 10

We are all in the gutter, some of us are looking up at the stars.


She roamed the silent streets that night like she always did, the stars shimmering and shining in the dark midnight sky.

To the place unknown, to the place of her own.

No one knew this place for sure, and if they did, they never paid attention to it.

She wandered until it came into view.

The bridge.

This bridge had been abandoned for as long as she could remember. It had always been her special spot to clear her head, to ponder and to contemplate. It was her place of solitude, a place where she could be free with herself and her thoughts.

She sat on the edge of the bridge, her gaze landing on the dark blue waters flowing steadily. It looked almost mesmerizing as the stars and the moon reflected on the body of the river. 

As she sat there, she saw him. She always saw him. He stood at the other end of the bridge.

She never approached him. He never approached her. They just sort of kept each other company.

She had already mastered the time he would come and then disappear.

She wished he were a bit closer though. She could make out almost nothing of this mysterious fellow.

For some reason, she felt an unknown connection with him. A mysterious connection with this mysterious guy.

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