3 | Realization

257 17 5

I look at the sky tiredly, feeling the breeze against my face.

It was a nice sunny day, Shuichi was on his phone trying to figure out the directions,

"Do you need help?"

He finally made a defeated sigh, nodding.  I make a small smile looking at the phone.

Seems like the cafe Kaede choose was near the train station, so it'll be easy to find.  I turn to Shuichi,

"It's near the train station silly-" I smirk.

He blinked looking again, before making an annoyed groan.  I held back a small laugh, I don't want to seem mean- but his face looked so cute and hilarious right about now.  He turned to me noticing me holding back my laugh.

His eyes are so pretty..

"It's fine.. you can laugh.." He huffed fixing his hat, as I let out the giggle covering my mouth to muffle it.  He made a small smile glancing at me, and soon enough we arrived at the cafe.

I already spotted the friendly blonde sitting with Maki and Kaito.  Kaede turned to me with her violet eyes smiling, waving to us.  I walk over with Shuichi,

"We haven't ordered yet, so no need to worry!" Kaede chirped, clasping her hands together, as I nod in response taking a seat beside Shuichi.

Everyone quickly began to talk, It was strange, to be honest.

I never had a friend group since..

I shook my head rubbing my eyes trying to get the thought away.  Please not that thought.

"Kokichi? Are you alright..?"

I flinch, turning to see Shuichi's worried eyes glance at me.  I gulp,

"I-I'm alright."

I could feel a cold sweat against my face, Shuichi's eyes still looked worried but he nodded reluctantly.  I caught Kaede's eyes looking at me in worry as well.  I gulp.

She knows what I was thinking.

"Kokichi! You look tense! What's up?!"

Kaito boomed making me snap out of my thoughts,

"O-oh, n-nothing- I er- Didn't sleep right! Yep!" I smile at Kaito.  He smirked,

"Well if you can't sleep well, I suggest working out! Your body most likely isn't tired!"

He began to blabber on about a workout,  Though I enjoy rambles since Kaede always went on and on about- Kaito's voice is too loud, and he talks a little too fast-  Even if I didn't  I have to just bear through it.

I chuckle softly, nodding to agree with whatever he was saying.  Shuichi chuckled a bit making my face feel hot.

Oh god am I blushing?

I placed a hand on my cheek, and it was warm!

Maybe I just have a fever?

oh god.

"Oh, Kokichi! your face is red!" Kaito said pointing to his cheek, I cover my cheeks quickly,

"It's a little hot out h-here.." I chuckle trying to move away from this topic.  Kaede was clearly amused covering her mouth to hold back a giggle. I huffed sending her a glare, before getting up,

"I-I need the bathroom-!" I said to excuse myself from the table.  I hurried into the cafe, hurrying past everyone sitting at tables the voices of everyone hurting my head. Heading to the bathroom quickly locking the door.  I gulp heading to the mirror, looking to myself.

My cheeks were actually red as a tomato, gross.  I make a sigh splashing some water on my face fixing my hair again.

"Kokichi? Are you alright?"  I heard Shuichi's voice through the door sounding a little muffled.  I gulp,

"Y-yes!" I mutter out.  One glance back to the mirror, before I head to the door carefully opening it.  Shuichi stood there worriedly, quickly looking to my eyes.  I stiffen in response.

Those eyes they're..

''Your face and eyes are ugly.  Only I will ever love that face. ''

"P-please! D-don't say that-!"

He quickly scooped me into his arms before I could fall onto the floor.  I gasp feeling the stinging tears in my eyes.  His arms were so warm.  So comforting.

"Hey- it's alright-! I'm here for you it'll be okay.."  Shuichi's voice sounded smooth wrapping around my head while his arms were like blankets.  I shook softly, letting the tears fall as he stroke my hair hushing me softly.

It felt so long before I calmed down, I curled up in his arms resting my head onto his chest feeling his heartbeat as my breathing slowed.

"Are you ready? I think the others are worrying about us.."  He said carefully wiping away the hair in my face.  I felt my face heat up again, as I nodded.  He made a soft smile, walking close beside me. 

I took a deep breath as the sweet pastry smell lingered around.  Soft chatter swam in the small cafe as beeps once in a while came from the cashiers.  I never noticed but Shuichi always seemed a little stiff or worried, yet when he held me it looked like he was relaxed, he seemed calm.

I sigh, walking out the building seeing Kaede and Kaito chatting as Maki was simply drinking her coffee.  I smile softly, as Kaede spotted me quickly getting up and running over to me.

"Are you alright-!?"

I laugh,

"I'm fine! Don't worry.." She hesitated before sighing,

"Shuichi helped me feel better- So I'm okay now.."

She blinked before smirking at me


"S-shut up-!" I huffed before she giggled as Shuichi blushed softly looking away.  Kaede took a seat again as I turned to Shuichi,

"T-thank you again Shuichi~!" I smile happily, as he nodded

"No problem.."

I began to head over to my seat. looking at the bright blue sky painted with soft clouds.  It was so pretty today.


A bright light glowed, forming into a line

I blink covering my eyes,

What's going on-?

I gasp.  looking to my small hand seeing on my pinky.

The tie.

The red sting.

It appeared and on the other side,

Shuichi's pinky.

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