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September 27。 7 . 57 pm —

"And that'll be all for today."

I make a groan tired. Finally, the class finished. I quickly get up from my seat, placing my laptop into my bag, and zipped it up. Today was the day I'll be going on that date with Shuichi,

Don't get me wrong he's really sweet and makes me feel safe.. but I guess Kaede was right to worry. He's sweet and caring. Hell, he even made me breakfast this morning and walked with me to my lecture. But, I was so nervous. I don't want everything to happen again, it was a nightmare I couldn't wake up from. It was so scary. I was so alone. He hurt me so much,

"K-kokichi-!" I flinched, Oh! It's Shuichi. Just who I was thinking of...

"Oh- Shuichi!" I gulp, He was wearing a plain black turtle neck along with a caramel-colored coat. His hair was flattened down, brushed nicely his gold-dusted eyes have eyebags barely noticeable hanging from his bottom lids. He smells like coffee.. God, I'm creepy-

"Are you alright Kokichi? You seem a little out of it.." I made a small smile, yet his eyebrows furrowed with worry.

"I'm alright sorry Shuichi! Wait... I thought your Lectures were on the other side of campus, is it not?" He blushed faintly turning away a bit,

"I wanted to walk with you back to the dorms if you don't mind.." I smiled softly my tense shoulders relaxing. For a second I thought he was following me around- God that would've been so creepy..

"That sounds good!" I smile looking up to him, he only blushed nodding in response. He held his hand out for me as I carefully took it wrapping my arms around his hugging it basically, resting my head against his shoulder. This really was nice.. He's gentle to me through everything he did..

I didn't notice until Shuichi took a stop that there was a duo performing some slow soft music, the melody was soft and gentle yet had a sorta upbeat tone. I smile softly seeing a long-haired male with a mask playing the guitar, as a white-haired girl that had two low pigtails holding the hair, was playing the piano seeming to know the music without any music notes or papers to read.

I smile as Shuichi held me close as a few other students began to record the duo. Shuichi and I stood a bit behind as he softly swayed to the music, making me close my eyes swaying with him. The music was calming curing up like a warm blanket.

Once the two finished the song they bowed as the students clapped cheering a bit at the great performance.

"Say aren't they from the art campus? They must've walked a while to get over here.." Shuichi chuckled lowly,

"If they're in the arts major Kaede might know them, she's in arts for musical performance!" I smile looking at the white-haired female and the black-haired boy. They seemed to be close friends as the female was yapping away to the boy, he only nodded a few times in response. Most likely he was speaking but the mask covering his lips prevented me from knowing that.

Shuichi turned back to me, "I'm kinda getting hungry, you want to stop by somewhere? I know a good spot Maki showed me when we were looking around the campus." I nodded holding onto his hand tightly.

Shuichi began to ask about my day, I didn't say to much detail, I didn't want to annoy him but when Shuichi did it, it was like a lullaby. His voice was smooth and soothing. I couldn't imagine his voice being into a yell at all from how soft-spoken he is.

We walked and talked down an ally way of restaurants. There were some people sitting outside eating, the clinking sounds were heard as the mushes of voices crowded the air. I took a sniff smelling all sorts of smells before my stomach growled. great...

Shuichi giggled, "Guess someone's hungry-" he chuckled as I flushed embarrassed,

"Where are we g-going Shuichi?" I blinked looking up to him as he kept his eyes forward,

"It's going to be a suprise~!" I smile, before flinching at that thought.

' It'll be a surprise Koki~! '

It wasn't a surprise, it was a nightmare. I could still feel the places he hurt me and hear the words he said to me. Everything around me was so numb, I felt like vomiting my guts out. My ears pounded against my head. It hurt so much, my head felt so heavy.

"N-no-!" I squeak out. Crap, I didn't even realize I was shaking at this point.

Shuichi looked to me startled and concerned. He carefully hushed me stroking my hair. I clench my eyes tightly, feeling the tears in my eyes sting. I quickly wrap my arms around Shuichi shaking and crying. He only hushed me, not saying a word yet his hands felt gentle and his hug felt warm.

Eventually, my ears stopped pounding against my skull, and my eyes felt out of tears to let out. I shakily pull back a bit, looking to the ground.

"I-I'm sorry shuichi.. I'm so sorry for being so annoying and such a baby over everything.." I mumble out, blinking away the tears. I felt Shuichi lift my face up with his hand,

"Kokichi, whats going on.." He spoke softly with worry in his voice. I shakily held his hand against my cheek taking a deep breath.


"Before I met you, there was another guy who was tied to the other end of my string."

Shuichi's eyes widened in surprise. I wouldn't blame him, mistakes made by the strings were extremely rare. So hearing that must've shocked him a bit.

"He was sweet and seemed like the perfect lover. And honestly, I thought he was." I took a gulp,

"but.. I'm not sure what changed him so quickly.. H-he became angrier.. and violent to me.  If I made a small accident or mistake he'd lash out at me, yelling or cussing me out.  Sometimes h-he'd take me places and just embarrass m-me.." I felt myself shake again, my throat ached as I knew tears were coming out soon. Yet Shuichi hugged me so tightly. He wrapped his arms around me holding me tightly and yet so gently.

"Kokichi you don't need to tell me everything, I'm so so sorry if I made you feel that you had to go on a date or anything like that with me and I'm so sorry I made you think of those days.. I swear I didn't mean to! I promise I'll never treat you like he did, I swear I will make sure you have that cute smile on your face even if it means I have to cut my hand off-!" He exclaimed determined to me. His eyes were glowing in the dim lighting while the sun slowly reached the horizon.

I looked to him, my violet eyes widened in shock. He really was an amazing person. He was so determined to do whatever it took to make me happy..

I hiccuped, crap- I'm crying.

I felt his hands softly wipe away my tears, giving my forehead a soft kiss. I whimpered smiling,

"T-thank you Shuichi.."

word count .1234

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2020 ⏰

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