Chapter 1:

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Hazel walked quietly into a library. Glancing around the bookshelves, she looked for her favourite book, "City of Bones" by Cassandra Clare. Opening the book to the romantic scene that Jace and Clary shared in the Institute's greenhouse, she sighed and wished for someone to sweep her off her feet just like what Jace did to Clary. Suddenly, the book started to glow and shake violently. Hazel looked around, feeling alarmed and scared, secretly hoping that someone would come to her aid, but however, everyone in the library was minding their own business, as if it was an everyday occurrence that a book would start to glow and shake.

Suddenly, she felt this weird sensation, as if she was being sucked into a vacuum, with nothing to grab hold of and just blank space. The feeling lasted for about 10 seconds and then, she felt a burning sensation and out of nowhere, she popped right into existence in an unfamiliar landscape.

She looked around warily and felt the eerie sense of something watching her. She turned around and saw a young man, about 20 years old, with platinum blond hair and piercing black eyes, so hard and enigmatic, that they looked like a dark abyss. She felt that he could see right into her soul and that she was immediately intrigued by the dark aura that was surrounding him and his striking looks. He had an oddly pale sheen to his face and his body was lean and slender. He was tall and quite muscular. His high cheekbones and long eyelashes made his face look elegant and handsome. She could not help but swoon in her mind as he glared at her. His stare was as unyielding and cold as ice but she could not help but get drawn to him. She did not know why but it was as if there was an unknown force pulling them together. She oddly felt that he was familiar and that they have unknowingly met before. She opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by him pushing her out of the way. 

"Watch out!!" He shouted as he pulled something that looked like a tube out of his pocket. "Camael!!" He cried out suddenly, as the edge of the tube sprung to life, growing into something that looked like a bright, glowing dagger. The blade was clear as glass and was double-edged. He also took out a oblong object that looked like a phone. It started to vibrate as soon as he took it out of his pocket. She could not help but let out a gasp of shock...

Hazel's POV:

"Could that be a Seraph blade?! And a Sensor?? Could this person must be... Jonathan Morgenstern?? No wonder I had felt like I met him before!! By the angel, he is soo handsome!! Wait...why am I in the Shadowhunters universe?? Am I dreaming??" A whirlwind of thoughts ran through my mind as I tried to process what was happening. The Sensor's vibrating. That means that demonic energy is close.

I immediately spun around and almost let out a shriek of fear and disgust.

It looked like a praying mantis. It had a small triangular head and a mouth with rows of teeth. Its flat, milky-white eyes, and its jagged, razored forelegs made my skin crawl and my spine shiver. It shrieked at me before advancing forward, as if to attack. But before it could do anything, it got chopped into half by a gleaming blade, slick with ichor because of the demon. It burst into dust before it could make another move.

Jonathan Morgenstern then turned to her, his eyes burning.
"Who are you? And who sent you?" He snarled, circling me like a wolf would circle its prey.
"I-, I am Hazel Thompson and I'm not sent here by anyone." I cursed myself internally for stuttering and my cheeks started to go red when he winked."And why should I believe you, Hazel?" He asked in a smooth tone, his sharp eyes noting the flush on my cheeks, stepping closer to me.
"Oh my gosh!!! What should I do now??"I thought to myself as I started to notice more about the appearance of Jonathan as he stepped closer. His skin was deathly pale, and his arms were mared with the tiny scars that only runes can leave. He leaned forward and smiled smugly, his breath warm on my ear as he murmured, "I asked, why should I believe you?"

Jonathan DefeatedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant