Chapter 2: Cleared.

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Today is my first day back at the NCIS in a month and I'm so exited.
As I got into the bullpen I see Nick's smile getting bigger and it makes me smile to.
"Heey! Glad you're back Bishop!" Said McGee.
"Glad to be back."
"Babe!" Said Nick.
"Nop. No 'babe' at work Torres." I said smiling a little.
"Okay Bishop." Nick said exagerating the 'Bishop'
As I turn around to my desk I see the guy who's been replacing me.
"You must be special agent Eleanor Raye Bishop?"
"Uhm- yeah and you are ?" I said looking at Torres.
"Agent Ryan Leans, I'm taking over until you come back."
"Oh, well nice to meet you!" I said while shaking his hand.

"Bishop! Come on!" Screamed Gibbs from upstairs.
"Coming!" I said putting my gear down.
"Glad you're back Bishop." He said without looking at me.
"Not as glad as I am to be back."


We went into Vance's office and both him and Sloane were there.
"Hello Director, Sloane." Said Bishop.
"Hello Bishop, we're gonna dive right in, do you think you're able to go back to work."
"I'm sure I'm ready to be back."
"And do your therapist agree?"
"She told me that she'll call either you or Sloane to confirm but yes, I'm cleared."
"Yes Leon, she called me friday, Bishop's all good." Said Jack.
"Okay, are you still going to see her?" Asked Vance.
"Yes, once a week for now, and if I feel like I can't handle it, I have to talk to Sloane and get off the case."
"Great, well everything seems fine for me, you're just gonna talk to Sloane now to see where you're at."
"No problem." Said Bishop hiding a smile.
"Goodbye Director."

We got out and Bishop stopped me.
"Are you sure you still want me in the team after everything?"
"Bishop, I've waited for this day for so long. Of course you're coming back."
A smile appeared on her face as I walked down and she went to Jack's office.

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