Chapter 7: Surgery day.

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Ellie had to be at the hospital at 10 AM so I asked Gibbs if I could stay with her for the day.
I woke up, got ready and I got to her house at 8:30 AM.
I knocked at the door several time but she didn't answer so I got really worried.
I remember she gave me a key so instead of breaking her door I opened it.
Her place was in the dark so I assumed she was still sleeping.

"Ellie?" I asked as I got to her room.
She was curled up on her bed.
"Babe?" I said moving her a little.
"Ellie? Wake up?!" I said louder since she wasn't reacting.
After a few moment she started to wake up.
"Hi El., you have to wake up."
"I don't want to." She said half asleep.
"I think I got that part but it's surgery day, yay!"
"Urgh" she said turning away.
"Hey, don't 'urgh' me, I'm here for you!"
"I know, I know, what time is it?"
"Uhm- 8:45."
"Crap, I have to get up."
"That's what I've been saying since I got here." I said kissing her forehead.
"I'm gonna go take a shower, do as if you were home."
"Okay, you want breakfast?"
"I can't, surgery!"
"Oh crap, sorryyy."
"Don't worry I'm-"
"Let me guess. Not hungry?"
"It's not what you think Nick!" She said from the bathroom.
"I know."

A little while later, she called me from the bathroom.
"What's up?"
"Ellie you okay?"
"We have to go."
"Why? It's only 9:10." I said surprised. When she didn't answered I knew something was up.
"We have to go."
"Oh my god! Yeah we're gonna go."
Her hand was bleeding, a lot.

We got to the hospital and they did the surgery right away. I waited in her room until she woke up half an hour later.

"Hey, how did it go?"
"Hi Babe, it went well, they took my mistake out of your hands."
"It wasn't your fault, I basically forced you so-"
"Yes, but I should've brought you here in the first place."
"Nicholas Torres, don't start feeling guilty okay?!"
"Yes ma'am!"
"Don't call me ma'am! I'm 35 not 54!"
"Okay miss Bishop." I said kissing her.

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