Chapter 8: First case.

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*two weeks later*


Today I'm finally allowed to go back to the crime scene and all, I'm so happy!
I got to the Navy Yard early but Gibbs was already there.

"Hi Gibbs!"
"Hi Bishop! Ready to come back?"
"Oh yeah, more than ever, I feel like it's been years."
"Let me see your hands."
"Uhm- okay."
"Okay, well avoid punching people."
"Yes of course."
McGee and Torres both arrive at the same time.
"Hi guys."
"Hi Bishop. Glad to be back?" Asked McGee.
"Hi Babe!"
"TORRES! We talked about this, here it's Bishop!"
"Oh yeah, sorry Bishop."
Gibbs got off the phone and said the thing I wanted to here the most.
"Grab your gear."
Even if it means someone's probably dead.
I was so happy!!

We got to the crime scene who was actually at the front of NCIS, they found the night guardian dead in some bushes.
I took pictures, Torres and McGee talked to witnesses, and Gibbs and Palmer were with the body.


After searching all morning, we found out it was a random guy who wanted to pass. We got to his address.
"NCIS OPEN UP!" I screamed.
After nobody answered, Bishop and I went to the back of the house and McGee and Gibbs stayed in front.
*banging noise*
"BISHOP?!" I screamed panicking.
"Got him!" She said strugguling.
"Great job Bishop." Said Gibbs.
Then she didn't face us so I went to her.
"Bishop, you okay?"
She turned to me,her forehead was bleeding and she was having a hard time breathing.
"I think he got me a little too." She said laughing but still breathing weird.
"It's not funny! What's with your breathing?"
"I'm fine Torres don't worry, he just hit me on the neck so it kinda hurts."
"You'll go see Palmer once we're back." Said Gibbs.
"You have to stop scaring me like that."
"You have to stop worrying like that."
"Yeah you're right."
"I'm always right!" She said laughing.

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