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I met up with Harley after meeting with Amelia.

"So, how did it go?" Harley asked me.

"Well, I got paired with Amelia," I answered.

"That's a good thing, isn't it?" Harley asked as we walked to our dorm.

"Yeah, but what if Amelia doesn't like me? Then I put myself out there for nothing," I mentioned.

"You haven't put yourself out at all," Harley told me.

I looked at Harley with an arched eyebrow.

"Jett, you pined after Amelia all through high school. You saw her in Hawaii and took her to prom. Yet, you didn't tell her that you like her," Harley reminded me.

"I don't want to blow it," I reasoned.

"The only thing that you're blowing is air," Harley retorted.

"You're not helping," I replied.

"Where's Jett? Not telling Amelia how he feels and blowing in the wind," Harley commented, blowing air past his lips.

"Kaden was better at this than you," I mentioned.

"Kaden is in Hawaii with the love of his life. I'm with Emily, and you're single as a Pringle," Harley remarked.

"Pringles are single. They come in a stack," I replied.

"No shit, and stop that. You sound lame when you analyze quotes. No girl wants an analogy about everything she says. They want to know a guy likes them and things about them," Harley said.

"I want to know that I won't blow it with Amelia," I reasoned as Harley rolled his eyes.

Yeah, I have this slight issue. I was on the football team, played sports, got excellent grades, involved myself in clubs, and couldn't tell the girl I like that I like her. Kaden and Harley knew, but I swore them to secrecy. I was confident with my life, but not with Amelia.

I figure if I signed up for the intern program, that would give me a chance to spend time with Amelia. I wanted to learn about her, then tell her that I liked her.

We got back to the dorm room, and Harley plopped onto his bed. I grabbed a book and flipped through it when someone knocked on the door. We looked at each other.

"Are you expecting Emily? Do I need to find someplace to hang out? Because I don't want to watch you two suck face," I remarked.

Harley rolled his eyes. "It must be our roommate," he said, getting off the bed and answering the door.

"Surprise," Kaden said, surprising us.

I got up and walked over to the door. "Why are you here and not in Hawaii?" I asked.

"Because Meadow thought it would be better if we went to school here," Kaden said.

I knelt and pet Bandit. "Or did you get homesick?" I questioned.

Kaden rolled his eyes and shook his head. "No, my dad mentioned that Amelia is having a difficult time adjusting to school. He suggested I come home," Kaden told us.

We looked at Kaden strangely.

"Okay, fine, Grandpa Cole and Wade suggested it when Aunt Rainbow told Uncle Antonio. I swear my family is something else," Kaden said, walking in and tossing his bags onto the bed.

"Well, lover boy here became Amelia's buddy and won't tell her how he feels," Harley mentioned, thumbing at me.

Kaden arched an eyebrow.

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