After the storm comes the rainbow

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After that day, I refused to leave Amelia alone. It's not that I was obsessed with her. It's because I never wanted her to feel unsafe. After what Elliot did, it sickened me. How could a person do that to someone they claim to like?

It made me think that no women should feel fear from a guy they break up with or reject. That gave me an idea.

I enlisted help from others to organize a buddy system with women and create a system where the girls on campus could report people without consequences. We needed a change. It wasn't enough for guys to respect women but treat them with compassion.

Kaden, Emily, and I made calls to people we thought would help us. They loved the idea and met with the Dean, including us.

"What can I do for you, Mr. Hardwick?" The Dean asked Wade, who stood with Antonio and Adrian.

"I received a phone call from a previous student, and he informed me of a recent situation involving one of your students. He explained that another student wanted to organize a rally to provide information. I thought it was an excellent idea," Wade explained without using Kaden's name.

I called Cole, but Kaden brought out the big guns with Wade.

"The school is changing its policy regarding these behaviors," the Dean replied.

"Dean Williams, it takes more than to change policy to help students. Even after a program is put into place, students think they don't have to follow it. I know. I dealt with it at my school. The phrase boys will be boys doesn't apply anymore. While schools focus on making race, sexuality, disability, and religion inclusive, they neglect gender. Seventy-eight percent of males are victims of sexual assault, while eighty percent of females become victims," Wade said, surprising me.

The Dean looked at Wade with concern.

"Most sexual assaults go unreported due to no repercussions, and the assailant is free to walk around without a care in the world. How are young adults supposed to feel safe if they have no recourse?" Antonio questioned.

"If a student doesn't report it, then it ties my hands," the Dean answered.

"We understand, but victims need to feel safe. The world is changing, and so are people. I spent a lot of time working with kids of all ages who came from homes or encountered some form of abuse. Fear is a huge factor as to why nothing gets reported," Adrian reasoned.

"Dean, my wife has autism, as does my granddaughter. My son is deaf. My best friend is gay. Each one dealt with people who took exception and tried to hurt them. I fought for them, and I will fight for others. It's time that college kids feel safe without consequences. Now it's time to protect genders," Antonio said, standing his ground.

The Dean looked at Antonio, Wade, and Adrian as Emily, Kaden, and I stood there. Kaden's family understood issues better than anyone.

The Dean conceded and allowed us to have a rally and implement a buddy system. Men and women needed to feel safe on campus without worry if someone would harass or assault them. It takes a storm to bring a rainbow.

After speaking to the Dean, we left his office as Amelia, Meadow, and Harley waited for us. I walked over to Amelia and pulled her into a hug. She looked at me, curiously.

"The Dean is allowing us to have a rally and making changes to protect the students," I told Amelia, who smiled at me.

"Jett, you should go into advocacy since you like to fight for people," Harley suggested.

"I think I'll stick with helping people with autism," I responded.

"Why don't you study to help people?" Kaden asked Harley.

"Who says that I'm not?" Harley retorted with a smirk, surprising us.

"It looks like we're doomed," Kaden commented, causing us to laugh.

Harley picked an excellent area of study since he would help anyone. He's one of the few you can count on when someone needs help. You learn this when you play football with someone.


I spent years trying to escape my past. After the other day, I felt everything crash into me. Between my father and Michelle, my life spiraled while trying to hang on to my sanity.

It made me wonder about many things in my life and where I belong. I grabbed a coffee, thinking about something, then turned to come face to face with my dad. I looked at him as he looked at me. I shook my head and walked away.

"Teddy!" Dad yelled.

I didn't want to deal with my dad. I spent years trying to forget him. I walked as my dad caught up with me, stopping me.

"Talk to me," he begged.

"Why? You could have talked to us, but you chose another route," I said unflinchingly.

"I had issues," my dad replied.

"Issues? You beat the hell out of mom and me. For years, we endured abuse because you couldn't handle the service," I responded.

"And I got help."

I looked at my dad and shook my head. My dad lies. He tells us what he wants us to hear. He told my mom and me that it wouldn't happen again, or he's sorry. That was a lie. It did, and he wasn't.

"Teddy," my dad said.

"Don't call me that. My name is Theo. Teddy died years ago. Leave me the hell alone," I ordered as I walked away.

The day mom and I left is the day I refused to allow anyone to call me Teddy, including my family. It reminded me of what my dad put us through until the night my mom called Grandpa. A few people know, and I want to keep it that way.


We left the Dean's office and went to a pizza place. We sat down at a table, and Grandpa ordered pizza for everyone. He reached into his pocket and put something on the table as I looked at Twilight Sparkle. Uncle Wade put Pinky Pie on the table, and Adrian set Apple Jack down. I watched others put the rest of the ponies on the table.

I looked at everyone as someone held Rainbow Dash in front of me. I glanced at Jett, who smiled.

"Amelia, you remind me of your grandmother," Grandpa said.

"Why?" I asked.

Grandpa chuckled. "Because you have her spirit. She taught me many things about life. Not everything is black or white. Sometimes life is rainbow color."

I smiled, knowing my middle name is Rainbow.

"You told me that Rainbow Dash would give me courage," I said.

"That is true," Grandpa agreed.

"You forgot that people give you courage, too," I added.

Grandpa looked at me curiously, as did the others.

"What do you mean, sweetheart?" Wade asked me.

"Well, all of you fought for Grandma, giving her courage. Our fathers fought for each other and family, providing them courage. Jett fought for me, offering me courage. That's what Twilight Sparkle means about friendship," I answered.

Wade smiled as I looked at everyone. While My Little Pony offers friendship, my family and friends provide love and acceptance. Elliot scared me, but Jett showed me that fear is a useless emotion. He gave me a rainbow after the storm. He gave me hope.

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