Stalking is illegal in all fifty states

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The definition of stalking is the willful and repeated following, watching, or harassing of another person. Someone becomes obsessed with a person and stalks them. It eventually moves from stalking to more sinister behavior and illegal in all fifty states.

What we didn't know and would find out later is what transpired between Elliot and Michelle. Michelle caught up with Elliot, who leaned against a post in the quad.

"I had time to think and decided my pursuit of Jett isn't worth my time," Michelle told Elliot.

Elliot arched an eyebrow at Michelle and looked at her with his arms crossed.

"So you can leave. I don't need trouble," Michelle ordered Elliot.

"Do you think I answer to you?" Elliot asked her.

"Look, I don't think this is a good idea." Michelle crossed her arms.

"I don't care what you think. Thanks to that bitch, I dealt with her old man and cousin. Neither of them will stop me from making her pay."

Michelle looked at Elliot in the eyes and noticed his hatred that it scared the hell out of her. He unfolded his arms and leaned forward.

"If you speak a word of this, no one will miss you."

Michelle's face contorted in horror as Elliot walked away, disappearing around a building. She hurried away, searching for Theo. What Michelle failed to understand is that Elliot held a grudge against Amelia's family. He spent countless hours stalking Amelia, teaching her every movement until he picked a time that Amelia is alone. It would prove dangerous on so many levels.


I walked across campus as I heard yelling. I stopped and turned to see Michelle running towards me. Now what?

"Oh, thank God. You need to help me," Michelle said with relief.

I looked at Michelle like she's insane. "Why should I help you? You tried to ruin my life with your rumors."

"Because I made a terrible mistake," Michelle admitted.

"Did you realize that Jett doesn't want you, and you're wasting your time?

"No," she answered.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. I looked at Michelle with annoyance.

"I called Elliot and told him that Amelia goes to school here. If he wants her, then he can have her," Michelle added.

I looked at Michelle incredulously. "Why would you do that?"

"Because I wanted Jett."

I looked at Michelle with irritation. "Do you have any idea what you did?"

She looked at me speechless with furrowed brows.

"No, because you're a selfish bitch who doesn't think. You just like Roxy," I said, walking away. I wasn't helping Michelle with her issue. After listening to everyone the other day, I figured Elliot did something terrible to Amelia.

I pulled out my phone and called Cole. The phone rang twice before someone answered.


"I have a problem," I said.

What's the problem?

"Michelle wants me to help her, and I don't want to help."

I don't see that as a problem.

"Michelle called Elliot and told Elliot that Amelia goes to school here."

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