And It All Starts Here

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Chapter 1

Picture of Damian


(Damian’s P.O.V.)

“It’ll be alright Damian, just get through today, I love you.” I could hear my brother, Aaron say as I shut the door to his car. I use to go to the same school as them, but got transferred because the councilors said it would best for me after everything that happened, and because my old principal was a total homophobe.  We all went to a private school, my brothers Aaron, Zayne, and I.  I got caught kissing another guy in the locker rooms when I was in 8th grade, and that was the day I got transferred to this hell hole of a school.  Since the move here I haven’t talked to anyone, why should I? All they do is harass me and push me around.  I bet they don’t even know my name, all they know me as is ‘silent freak’ or ‘emo’ or ‘faggot’ and on and on and on. I shouldn’t even bother.

I walked up to the front steps of the old, gray and blue school, and inhaled then walked in.  I got the usual stares and mean comments.  There were people making out everywhere, kids getting pushed into lockers and shoved into trash cans.  There were the cheerleaders flirting with the jocks and the rainbow and piercing group hanging out with each other like usual, and my best friend was in that group.  Her name is Jessi, she is beautiful beyond the eye, and she is very nice and funny and kind of a nerd when it comes to Pokémon or any video game, but that’s okay, I love her. She has black and purple hair, at the moment, and is dressed from head to toe in rave clothing and rainbows.  I don’t talk to her either, more like I write notes or text to her, but never talk.  In fact the only reason we are best friends is because our mothers use to date in high school, since they are both bisexual. Zayne has tried to date her numerous times, but always gets rejected.  I don’t blame her, Zayne is my more disturbing brother, he is very rude and acts like he hates me.

“Hey Damian, what’s up?” I just look up at the ceiling and she gets what I am trying to say

“Oh, ha-ha very funny, even if you don’t talk, you are very sarcastic.” She gives me a hug and we head for my locker.  My locker is so beaten up from people spray-painting words on it and throwing me into it.

“Hey I will see you in third alright?” Jessi says waving and I nod.

“Oh and don’t forget about tonight!” She screams half way down the hall.  On Friday nights we go to the mall and stalk hot guys until we get bored, then we go to the secluded park on the outskirts of town and watch the stars.

I get my English folder and a pencil and I am off to class. Jessi only has two periods with me, and that is third history and sixth health.  We don’t talk to each other much (go figure) but we pass notes every once and a while.  She tells me every aspect of her life, as do it, for the most part at least.  The bell for first rang, and I walked in late. 

“You’re late Damian.” My English teacher Ms. Yardley stated in an annoyed tone. I looked up at her and scooted over to my desk in the back row.  She made a huff and continued her discussion on oxymoron’s, I wasn’t really paying attentions, but I didn’t need to, I got pretty good grades for the most part, except in science, I hate my teacher; Mr. Wood.  He makes it hard for me to concentrate; he always picks on me, and yells at me for not talking, and accuses me of cheating.  He is a total asshole beyond repair, I have him for fifth, right after lunch on regular days, and on Fridays I have him before lunch.  I looked at the clock and realized I still had a half an hour before class let out, so I decided to put my headphones in and listen to music.  I started listening to ‘All Signs Point to Lauderdale’ by A Day to Remember.  I love this song, along with many others, but it is a good song for this moment:

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