Understanding Nick

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Chapter 4

Picture of Nick


(Nick’s P.O.V)

“Okay well here is goes…” I was telling someone my biggest secrets, and that person was Damian, the little emo kid that I pick on every day. The silent kid that no one likes, I was telling them to him.

“Okay well first off, I am not the big, strong, arrogant jock you think I am, it is just a front that I put up so people won’t know the real me. The real me is fairly nice, and cares, that’s how my dad’s raised me.” He looked at me weirdly when I said ‘dad’s’.

“Yeah I know what you’re thinking, dad’s? Don’t you mean dad? Well the answer to that is no, I have two dad’s, and no mom.  I was always embarrassed about that, still am. The truth is, I love them both soo much, they are amazing.  But I had to transfer schools because people found out and the bullying got horrible.  I spiraled downwards to a deep depression and I couldn’t take it anymore.  I started cutting my wrist, no place else because I knew people would be questioning why I was wearing jackets or pants all the time, so that’s why I wear these.” I showed him my wristbands “I haven’t done it in about three months, but even after the wounds heal, the scars will be there forever, and I know one day my parents will figure it out, and would have probably stopped completely by then.  Sometimes I feel like no matter what I do, my parents won’t accept it, they always taught me to be open with them and they wouldn’t judge me for it, but I don’t know…I just can’t bring myself to it, you know what I mean?” He shook his head; he was staring at me with wondering eyes

“Oh and one more thing that I haven’t told my dad’s either….I am gay. I know they won’t mind that, because, well they are gay. But it is just hard sometimes, when you have the weight of the world on your shoulders.” Damian was just staring at the sky, saying nothing.

“Wow…” I heard a faint voice.  I quickly looked at Damian who is now looking at me.

“Did you just-“I started

“-talk, yes” he finished.  I was astonished, his voice was beautiful.

“Can I---“He faded off


“Umm…can I…umm---“

“What do you want to do Damian?”

Before he said anything else, he grabbed my face and smashed his lips into mine, with so much passion, and intensity.  He pulled away slowly and I fluttered my eyes open, and saw his hazel eyes.

“Wow…that.was.amazing.” I said choking out my words, He smiled at me then he entwined his fingers through mine.  His hand was soft but very cold.

“Hey I know it’s kinda late, but will you do something with me?” I asked him

“Sure” the noise went past his lips ever so quiet

“Great” I jumped up and grabbed his hand, then took him with me”

“Where are we going?” He asked me, I just fucking love the sound of his voice.

“To my house, I have to tell me parents something’s and I want you to be there…if you don’t mind.”

‘I don’t…”

“Great, let’s hurry, they usually go to bed a ten, and right now it’s….” I checked my clock “nine-thirty, so let’s go” and we began running, I could tell he wasn’t in good shape because he kept stopping and slowing down to breath. I picked him up and he didn’t do anything, he just sat with his elbow on my back and his chin on his hand, oh and his butt was in my face, ha-ha.

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