Shut Up

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Chapter 5

Picture of Craig and Drake

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(Damian’s P.O.V.)

I woke up and I felt an arm around me.  I freaked out and jumped out of the bed and onto the floor.

“Whoa, Damian, what’s wrong?” Nick asked me with a grin on his face. I just sat there on the floor with my knees pulled up and I was staring at him.  I think I may have made a huge mistake talking to Nick last night. Then I slept in his bed, I am so fucking stupid.  He is gonna go back to the school and make fun of me like he always does, things will go back normal.  He was just using me for a prank or something. I bet those aren’t even his parents, they looked far too young.  I am fucking idiot.

“Hello….Damian” Nick threw a pillow at me and dragged me out of my thoughts.

“What’s wrong?” I shook my head; I needed to get out of here.

“Oh, um, okaaay…want some breakfast?” I shook my head, I don’t eat much.  Aaron always told me that I need to eat something, he doesn’t care what, but he was worried about me.  I got disgustingly skinny, and I didn’t have an eating disorder, no, I started doing drugs, and therefore I began losing weight.  I had to go to multiple therapists and finally one therapist, Dr. Nuñez, he was great.  He began telling be that he use to do drugs, but he found that  it wasn’t what he wanted to be pulled into, it was like a black hole dragging him deeper and deeper until he completely disappeared.  He didn’t know who he was anymore, he would use any money he had to buy them, every second of every day he thought about it.  He lost his friend, family, and his fiancé.   That terrified me; I began using less and less, until I was completely sober of them.  After that, I just didn’t have a big appetite, but I still ate.

“Well lets go get some orange juice, or something, you must be starving, you barley ate a thing yesterday.” I decided that it would be fine to go down there, but at the first sign of danger, I am leaving.  We walked downstairs.  Drake and Craig were in robes, making breakfast, and laughing.  Genuinely laughing, they were happy and you can see it by the way they looked at each other.  They were in love.  Nothing could take that away from them.  I want something like that.  To love someone with all my heart.  For someone to love me back, to care about me, my opinions, my life.  Someone who would stick with me through thick and thin, who was by best friend.  Who protected me, and never wanted to lose me.  We could have funny, random, adventurous moments, or serious, deep talks.  He would call be just to say hello, or come to my house in the pouring rain in the middle of the night if he thinks I’m sad. We could stare up at the stars, and think of how lucky we were, among millions of people, we found each other, and we were happy.

“Hey you guys” Nick told his parents

“Hey Nick, Damian, you guys hungry?” Nick looked at me and I shook my head no

Yes we are both STARVING!” he said against my will

“Great! We are making bacon, eggs, and waffles.” I hate eggs, they are disgusting

“Yum sounds good, don’t you think Damian?” I nodded smiling and Drake and Craig

“Okay well you too sit down we will get the food.” Drake stated and we listened.  They put the food on the table and sat down.

“Sooo Nick, Damian, did you guys sleep good?” He elbowed me in the arm. I could feel the heat in my face coming.

“Dad, come one, you are embarrassing him, .” Nick pleaded

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