Chapter One

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By the time the princess awoke, the warpath had already been set in motion. With each day that passed, her father drifted away further and further, leaving her within the castle walls, with only the company of the attendants and servants to her name, alongside Embla's winding libraries. Much time was spent reading book after book, whiling the hours away. As time went on, the young heiress saw less and less of the emperor, his advisor stepping in for most of his parental duties. Veronica could pretend not to notice the escapism of her father, how he pushed her further and further away, leaving her entirely alone and to her own devices.

  Page turning, day by day, from dawn to dusk. The only time she spent outside of the library was the chance to make tea. Every night, a routine before bed. It was one of the little things in this life that kept her sane, the knowledge that after each battle, her father would return from the darkest depths of the war against the Askran Kingdom, to drink his tea and... hopefully one day acknowledge the smaller things she'd done. She kept his own tomes meticulously arranged, dust free, his bed made and tray of tea and cookies always awaiting him. In truth, Veronica had never seen the emperor respond to her gifts, her attempts to grab his attention, if even for a single second. Sometimes, she wondered if he had even noticed that she was there, peering in through the doorway, waiting for some sort of acknowledgement, even if it was a passing glance from his vacant eyes, just... a bit of evidence that she still meant something to him.

The princess's days wasted away, as did her father. His condition visibly worsened the longer the war proceeded, battlefields marked by the reign of the emperor and his forces. Whilst he was away, she simply sat alone in the castle, attempting to digest more information from the books she'd hidden in her quarters, those gifted to her by her elder brother before he had been sent into exile. However, it seemed as though this time would be cut short, as one of the many 'acquaintances' of her father intervened. "Your royal highness," he greeted, sturdy armor clinking audibly as he dared kneel before the princess. "If I may inquire... Why must you lock yourself away?" the low voice of the prince of another world. With gates opened to other worlds, it was so easy for those of the enslaved and dominated realms to be recruited, be it by the forces of one king or the other. "Why, Princess Veronica, today is a beautiful day, must you stay alone in this world?" Xander proceeded, parting the curtains ever wider as the princess sat upon the windowsill with the intention of reading. "I believe it would serve you well to get some fresh air, perhaps, to acquire a new set of skills."

At this request, her eyes widened, her gaze much like someone else the high prince knew. Veronica's fingers tensed around the tome, Ífingr. He cared not for the magic that the tome possessed, but rather for the health of the princess. Her loneliness was painted across her face, even if she would rather not admit this, nor would she admit to him how pale she'd become by sitting within the castle walls, rather than going outside. Back in his world, back in Nohr, he would have given near anything for the sun to burn so bright, to grant comfort to the simplest of outdoor activities. "You had once said that your brother was a cavalier, did you not? Had he shared with you the art of horsemanship? Today would be truly perfect for such tasks, if you would allow me to accompany you in such."

Veronica swallowed hard at this continued pressure, wincing as the sunlight was allowed into the private space. "Xander, please... I would never wish to cause you so much trouble. If you would just let me be-"

"I will do no such thing. Pushing yourself to this extent will only elongate the suffering you may endure. Come along, princess, allow me to indulge you, just on this occasion." As was to be expected, this was utter dishonesty. Much like one of his retainers back home, all she would require to fall into place was trickery, a nudge in one direction with an ounce of falsification to lead them to the conclusion that continuation would be their idea. Before she spoke another word, he turned on his heels, boots clicking together as they met in a firm formation. "If you are truly not interested, however... I suppose I would be just in taking my leave."

"No!" swiftly interjected the princess, hopping down from her position and rushing to the side of the man in her service. This was more than enough to elicit a small smile from Xander, who merely needed to offer his hand to Veronica from there, having intentions of leading her straight to the stables. There awaited his steed, a black stallion who stomped his hoof in anticipation as the pair entered the small, enclosed area.

"Let us review, princess, what is the first step?" he ushered, standing firmly before the stall door, his gaze lowering to the shorter royal, whose own eyes shifted around the stable as if processing his question. "Princess..?" Xander watched intently as she made for a rack, taking the tack up off of it and bringing it to the crown prince. He gently took it from her, using his greater height to place on the saddle pad, then the saddle. Lastly, came the bridle, which he pulled slowly over the stallion's ears, eliciting a huff.  "Well done."

"Now... the next step-"

Such coaching drew out until sundown, leaving the young heiress exhausted and weak. It came as little surprise to Xander when he found her after he'd finished removing the equipment, resting in the small patch of straw in the stall. He managed a faint smile at this, taking his opportunity in scooping up the small princess, who he couldn't deny reminded him of Elise... the way she smiled in her sleep. His hands carefully resting on her back and leg, holding her as if she were no older than Siegbert in the few fragile moments he had the opportunity to share with him. Soon enough, he returned her to her quarters, carefully placing her in her bed. It came naturally for the Nohrian to kneel down at her side, taking her smaller hand into her own. Even after a day like today, his worry was evident. If she continued down this path, surely she would find herself neck deep in war, just like her father had. It was a constrictive reality, one many of their status had to accept. He could only hope that she would not meet the same fate as his own lineage.

  Once he was certain she would stay asleep, the Nohrian prince stepped into the hall, coming face to face with the advisor of the emperor. Her expression speaking volumes to him, eyes narrowed and face stern. Her cheeks were sunken slightly in, a sign of age, as was the sizable staff with the forked head. "What do you think you are doing, serf?" she questioned, inclining her brow as she spoke. How badly Xander wished to eviscerate the tactician with his words, for speaking down upon him and figuratively spitting in his face. His own smile faded, the man growing increasingly tempted to turn himself away as her venom only quelled him with unspoken threats of being put to death for even being seen alongside the princess. "Know your damned place." With that, she brushed off the high prince, only making his scornful expression deepen, even more so as she entered the room of the girl he had just managed to put to sleep. He could only wonder what she'd intended to do, but deep down, he was almost certain that he didn't want to know.

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