Chapter Fourteen

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Upon their return to the Askran castle, the four heroes were not met with peace, but rather a distinct disturbance amongst all of those who fought for the kingdom and its intent. The people bustled about, as though they were in panic, but not a word was said as to why.

"What could have done this?"

"How could it be so deep?"

"He was so broken..."

It was so strange to hear such words be said, but even more so upon return from a mission. What could have possibly gone awry in the time that they'd taken, the two days, on their mission? Veronica had, at the least, awoken, though she was still groggy from the long trip home, rubbing at her eyes in an attempt to bring them to focus. "What's... going on?" she questioned in a soft tone of voice, looking up at the other three members of her party, who all wore the same concern on their expressions as she did. Whatever it was, it wasn't any good.

"Brother..!" called a female voice from across the main hall, a young blue haired woman rushing up the staircase to the entryway of the castle. "You're back- I... ah! It's Seth, he's hurt and I- I don't know what to-"

"Eirika, please... Calm down. You know I can't understand you when you're speaking so quickly. What's going on?" Ephraim tried to explain, despite his younger twin sister gripping his arms firmly in an attempt to grab his attention, proving fully just how serious this matter was in her eyes. However, she did have a tendency to worry herself over minuscule matters, so perhaps, this wasn't as serious as he feared it would be.

"We were just on a routine patrol and this... this evil beast..! It was like a Mauthe Doog but bigger, much bigger. Gods, brother, it lunged at us, Seth and I. None of us saw it, not even Matthew and Kaze. It came out of nowhere... It tore through armor, brother. Seth was wounded badly, and I fear it is only the beginning," Eirika proceeded, only after taking a breath and attempting to compose herself. Despite her best efforts, she still wrung her hands out, trying to distract her mind from the chaos that had just broken loose. 

"He's seen worse than a Mauthe Doog, Eirika. I'm certain your worries are misplaced. Seth is a strong man. I'd have no less as our general," Ephraim continued on his path of reassurance, much to the dismay of his sister. "He was able to survive a blow from the unsurvivable lance of that sorry ba-"

"Brother, I'm serious. Please, now isn't the time for old grudges. He's injured... badly," Eirika persisted. "I fear these wounds are grave. He was knocked from his horse and... his shoulder... You need to see it for yourself. I don't wish to set foot into another war, but whatever sent this thing. It's nothing short of evil."

With a sigh, Ephraim soon surrendered to his sister's will, but not without turning to his trio of allies first. "Excuse me for a moment, my sister-" he began, only to have Celica place a hand upon his shoulder, giving him a gentle nod of affirmation. "I need to make sure he's well. You three just settle in while I take a look."

"Ephraim, I know the kind of man you are. You aren't going this alone." Hector didn't give an inch on this matter, patting the King of Renais's shoulder. "We can handle it, whatever it is that did this. We've fought demons, dragons, and demon dragons. What more do we have to risk? We know our limits."

Ephraim let out a small huff of relief as he knew his weaknesses had allowed for his life to be breached, meaning his three companions would have little choice but to involve themselves in whatever was going on with the Silver Knight. However, nothing could prepare him for the sight that waited for him in the infirmary. Laying there in the bed was the general, gently clasping the hand of the younger twin as she sang sweet praises to him. He looked weak, tired, but both details paled in comparison to the gore awaiting his eyes. Before him was a sizable set of gashes, four of a kind, across the man's torso, all deep and raw. They no longer bled, thanks to the magic of the clerics and troubadours on duty, but all the same, their mark remained.

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