Chapter Four

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"Where did you get this?" pressed onward the older woman, leaning forward as a means to take the book into her hands. Her breath caught in her throat as the young princess resisted her will, slamming her fragile palms into the chest of her advisor.

"No..! Don't touch that!" Veronica defended, seizing the book into her arms and clutching it toward her chest, hiding the worn cover away from the regent. "Stay back!" As she grew increasingly protective of the tome, a spark of green magic flared, keeping the gaze of her servant on her as she scooted backward further into the bed. Her back pressed to the headboard once she had run out of space, elbows hitting the wood with an audible 'thunk'. She felt the twinge on contact, knowing well that the skin would bruise come morning.

The advisor's stare burned into her, as if she knew exactly where this had come from and who had managed to dig up such arcane magic. The empress had only used it for the war, and before that, it had been tucked away... the same could be assumed for after. However, it seemed that such an assumption had been false, as now, such dangerous spells were clasped tightly within the future empress's arms. This had thrown a wrench into her plans, but perhaps she could maneuver this to a position that she needed it in. "Veronica, there's no need to be so brash. Just let me see it for a moment, would you? I am as much of a mage as you, allow me to lend you a hand in your training, then, we can use this, hm? Though, we should start with an heirloom of a lower caliber-"

Veronica continued to be on the defensive, keeping Ífingr far away from the older woman. Bruno had warned her that people would try and take it from her, to abuse its ancient spells for their own gain. No one could be trusted, not even her late father's closest confidant. "I'll be fine, there is no need to concern yourself with- Ah!"

"I don't believe I gave you a choice," the advisor hissed, pulling her in closer, squeezing her arm like a vise until she was certain it would bruise her skin further than it already had been. "Such insolence, is that any way for a princess to behave? Do you know what happens to disobedient little girls?" She stared back at the girl, watching her intently, with that stare of hers. Under eyes darker, more intense than they had ever been before. "They get punished."

"Let go..!" Veronica whimpered, still refusing to unhand the treasure. "You're hurting me..!"

"As I should!" spat the advisor in return, tugging the girl with enough force to topple her over. She showed no mercy, even as Veronica lay weak on the floor, she placed her boot inches from her face. "You ought to know your place, lest you fall out of favor with your people. Have you ever had everything you are stomped upon, Veronica? Had your name spit upon by the gods themselves?" As she spoke, she stepped a few inches to the side, raising her shoe over the tome that had slipped from her hands, kicking it aside before hovering the toe over her fingers. "You're a fool. A brat who has yet to learn her role. I advise you to pay closer attention."

The princess coughed violently as she was knocked onto her chest, ribs beginning to ache as she struggled to get off of the floor. Tears pricked the edges of her eyes, a whimper escaping her as she felt her fingers be pressed down upon, only to be freed a moment later. "I'm sorry..." she choked out, though she didn't mean this apology. This was to save her hide and nothing more. Her trust had already been broken, and it was only a matter of time until things would escalate.

And that, they would.

She soon stepped back, narrowing her eyes at the whimpering princess. It seemed this would be only the beginning of the torment. Her insubordination would be whipped out of her, until she was nothing more than a sockpuppet in service of the court. "Good, now, go clean yourself up... We wouldn't want anyone to see their empress looking like such a mess." The advisor turned on her heels, glancing back at her. "And meet me in the boudoir once you are finished, we have much to discuss..."

Veronica stumbled up, glancing about the floor. She felt most fortunate once she lay eyes on the green tome, realizing that the woman had missed her entire point of assaulting her. She crawled on her hands and knees to retrieve it, lifting it up in her arms. The cover had been damaged, a few pages wrinkled and folded unnaturally from how it had landed. Though she hadn't meant for them to, a few of her tears had further stained the pages, only mangling it more. This time, the apologies rolled off of her tongue with ease, repeating her gentle sorries to no one in particular. Be it her brother or his mother... She could only hope that either of them would find it in their hearts to forgive her, dead or alive.

Once she found her footing, Veronica looked into the mirror of her vanity, seeing the droplet of blood that dripped downward from her nose. She stepped closer, legs wobbling from her exhaustion. Her breaths quivered as she placed the book on the counter, her arm brushing against her face, smearing the crimson across her fair skin. She found herself staring at her own reflection. Never again would she allow someone to tarnish her this way, to take complete control of her life. Never would she give up her fight for the right to breathe and act freely, rather than being some doll for the woman seated in her father's place. She had no other choice, even if it would lead to her downfall, and she knew just where to start.

Veronica would soon make her way down the stairs of the castle, hardly hiding the large smudge on her face as she slipped into the armory, avoiding the gazes of the maids and guards that lurked around what felt like every corner. She had to take the chance, as she deemed it unlikely that she would be able to slip under the nose of the regent again anytime soon. She rucked up the length of her dark skirt, preventing her from tripping over it as she made her way toward the weapon, Hliðskjálf. It was contained well within a glass case, standing tall and proud, as if awaiting her delicate hand to make use of it once more. However, she hardly had the means to open it... unless...

Veronica raised her hand, slamming it forward, directly into the glass, the first hit causing it to crack. She didn't hold back, pounding once more, this time causing the case to shatter upon impact. The fragments flew about, like shrapnel only to fall to the floor. She did her best to ignore the stinging of her knuckles and the small shards that had implanted themselves in her arms. She had to be strong now, to not allow this pain to get to her. It was only now that she found the courage to stick her arm into the opening that she'd made, tilting the staff as a means to pull it from where it had been placed. As soon as it was in her grasp, she could feel the power that emanated off of it. It was as though her own mother's weapon had been calling for her, speaking her name so softly, and yet all the same, it screamed for her to make use of it, to harness its power... And on her father's name, and her brother's honor, she would make them proud.

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