Chapter Nineteen

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When dawn came, the plan had already been set. They would seek out further information, as someone nearby had to know something about these beasts if they roamed so freely in the woods just outside. So, when the sun rose above the cabin and the birds began to tweet their sweet morning song, the four heroes bid their goodbyes to the pair of gods and set out to find answers.

"Thank you again, Lady Tyr, Lady Thórr!" Celica returned as they returned to the forest, opting to turn to the border town on Embla's side.

The walk there was surprisingly brief, at least that was how it had felt. Veronica didn't want to say anything about it, but this route was quite familiar to her. She'd been to the small town once or twice, as there was a library her father often visited to have meetings with nobles and diplomats. It was nothing like she remembered. Unlike home, the town had not been impoverished by war. Instead, it flourished. People roaming the square, trading goods and spreading word of whatever local events were occurring. And judging by the decorations, a festival or an event of some kind drew near.

Merchants and mercenaries, knights of the empire... It was bustling. Veronica hoped dearly that none of them would recognize her as the rogue princess. Then again, how could they have? She wasn't from this world.

Hector raised his hand in the moment, casting a shadow over his eyes to prevent the now midday sun from giving him any trouble. They had a mission here, and he would see to it that it was accomplished, be it one way or another. It seemed the bazaar would be their first destination, as it was the easiest place to retrieve any sort of information. "Veronica. What say you?" he questioned, before even really finishing the statement. "Do you recognize this place or something? You look like a stray."

And there it was.

Veronica had initially wished to hold her tongue about these feelings, but if Celica had anything to say about it, this repression of hers wouldn't slide. "Indeed, I do. In my youth, my father used to bring my brother and I to this very village, though, I am afraid I do not remember much of the layout."

"I'd thought as much. Well, this is your kingdom. Show us around- err... As best you can." Right, she was fragile. Hector had never been keen on that type, despite having married one. He was a man with little restraint when it came to his words, so having to repress his demeanor wasn't always easy.

Veronica gave an affirmative nod as she looked around, attempting to put memory to the location. It wasn't something that she knew much about, as though she had forgotten all that she had ever known about the place. Admittedly, she did remember a little, but it wasn't nearly as much as she ideally would have liked. It was as though she could only remember general details rather than the full picture, especially since this world was not as torn by war as her own. With this in mind, she did take the lead, guiding her allies deeper into the bazaar. Now it was clear what they were seeing, tall tapestries bearing the crest and coat of arms of the empire, a place Veronica knew as her homeland.

"This way," she ushered, guiding her companions through the bazaar and into the square, which housed smaller and more tame shops... as well as the library she'd once known so well. Clues outside the walls of the smaller shops failed her, but soon enough, they reached a suitable location. The very library that her mind had repeatedly roamed back to. It would be the smartest move to get their information there, as opposed to waiting to find a mysterious stranger to feed them information.

Ephraim cringed as soon as he realized where they were. A library. He'd never been one to take much interest in the history or literature of any world, even that of his own. He knew deep down that he was going to bore himself to death, especially as the imperial princess toured around, as though looking for something. However, there was one bit of silver lining to this escapade...

A flyer on the wall by the door.

There, it displayed some of the local events, attractions. Ephraim didn't find much of interest in the sales or the mentions of traveling merchants, however, there was something that had caught his eye. A tournament the following morning and an inn to stay in tonight. It couldn't have been more perfect. Without a moment's waste, he ripped the papers from the wall where they were pinned, sloppily folding them and slipping them into his pocket.

"Have you found what you need yet, Veronica?" he questioned as he looked back at the pair of women, utilizing the height of the Ostian to reach shelves that neither of them could.

"Be patient, give her a chance," Celica disrupted, standing nearby as Hector hoisted the smaller woman up on his shoulders. "I trust that she knows what she's doing. Don't you?"


"Here, I've found it..!" Veronica chirped, holding a dusty book as she was brought down to her feet, blowing it off before wiping the cover with her gloved hand.

"Great, now, can we find somewhere else to go? This place is too stuffy," complained the king, tugging at his collar. He wasn't mistaken. It was hot and dusty in this old library. "I say we find this inn," he added soon after, withdrawing the small, handwritten flyer. "And get a bite to eat."

"It's still early, I'm certain we have time until we need to settle in tonight. But if we want to stay... better late than never. How long do you think that it will take for you to find what you need, Veronica?" Celica inquired with a cock of her head, turning to Veronica as though expecting an answer.

She paused as she was questioned about the inn. She did remember staying there in her youth, but was the inn she knew of even there or in the same place it had been in her world. Regardless, they had to try, and it would buy her some time to read up on the rune she now possessed, as well as the history of these monsters. "I suppose we can make a little time..."

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