Why Are You Here?

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I'm sitting in my college classroom, getting a physics lecture when I notice Ruel looking at me. I can't help but smile when I catch him staring at me. He smiles back when I look over and then he looks away. I bite my lip, trying to not smile any bigger and I turn my head to the chalkboard that the teacher just wrote on.

Once the class is over, I grab my bag and my books and head out into the hallway. "Hey, " I hear a familiar voice say before he taps my shoulder and I turn to face him. "I'm going out with my friends tonight, do you wanna join us?" Ruel smiles.

"Oh, hey, Ruel!" I say, smiling. "Yeah, I'd like to go out with you and your friends, if that's okay, " I add. "Of course it's okay! I'll meet you at Mclarens at 8, okay?" He asks. "Yeah, sounds good," I reply.


A couple of hours later, I get to the bar and don't recognize anybody here. I call out Ruel's name and see his lanky body walking over to me "hey, Y/n! Glad you could make it," He greets with a smile. "Hey! Yeah, happy to be here, " I reply. "Do you want a drink?" He asks.

I nod "Yeah, I'll have a strawberry daiquiri," I say, as I tie up my hair. Ruel orders my drink for me and we sit down and talk until some of his friends come over "hey, look everybody! Ruel is talking to a girl, " he says, immaturely. Ruel immediately stands up and pushes him "I'm not talking to anyone!" He growls.

His soft, gentle mood has now left and turned into an aggressive, defensive one. But, I try and avoid how weird that just was "hey, I'm Y/n, " I smile before taking a sip from my drink. They greet me back and come and sit with us and we talk about the party last weekend.

Ruel sits pretty far away from me at the end of the opposite side that I'm sitting at. He gives me one last look before, getting up and leaving the table. His friends shortly after follow him. I sit at the table and wait for him for about 10 minutes before I decide to get up and go look for him.

I walk around the bar and see him playing darts with his friends. I tap on his shoulder and he turns around to face me, "Oh, hey. Do you wanna play?" He asks me like he didn't just get up and leave without saying a word. I look down at the ground and try and gather my thoughts before looking up to face him again.

"Uh, no. I think I'm gonna go." I mutter. "Okay then. I guess I'll see you around, " he says to me in the most careless tone. Disappointment and sadness overwhelm my heart "yeah. Okay." I say and he turns away from me. But I walk in front of him "oh, and Ruel when you ask a girl to come out with you, you should spend time with her and not leave her at an empty booth all night!" I say, trying to keep my calm.

I walk out of the bar before he can even say one word to me. I go back to my dorm and take my shoes off and undo my hair. A sigh releases from my lips as I sit on my bed and think about tonight. I can't believe I actually liked Ruel and I thought he liked me back, but after how he acted tonight, I'm sure he doesn't. I just feel so stupid.

I catch myself lost in my thoughts when I hear a knock on my door. I open the door to see Ruel standing in front of me. "What are you'd doing here?" I ask, surprised. He looks down at the ground then up at me "I just wanted to sorry, I'm sorry. I was being such a jerk, " he says, his voice cracks slightly.

"It's fine, really! I'll see you in class tomorrow." I mutter with a fake smile and start to close the door, but he stops me from closing it fully. "I am very sorry, I wasn't thinking, " he says as he looks deep into my eyes. "Ruel, it's okay. I like you, but I can't be with someone who doesn't feel the same way and how you acted tonight, I'm sure you don't." I say with a sigh.

"I like you, I wanna be with you! I just wasn't sure if you liked me back or not, " he surprises me by saying. "If you like me then why did you change all of a sudden when your friends came?" I ask. "Because I didn't know if you liked me back and I didn't wanna look like an idiot in front of everybody if you didn't, " he tells me.

I can't help but crack a smile "well, I do like you, " I say softly. He's smiling now too "that's good because I like you a lot." He blushes.

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