d a y # s i x

34 3 2

[ October 22, 2032 ]

The time had finally come.

The man's creation was now awakening from her sleep.

Kirstie, who had been placed onto an operating table, groggily opened her new eyes.

Eyes that held all the knowledge in the world.

Eyes that could collect data from any electronic device with just one glance.

Eyes that didn't belong to her anymore.

Her once beautiful brown orbs, now turned a shiny silver.

Her long red hair was now dark as the night sky.

He thought it looked better that way.

She looked around the room, adjusting to everything her eyes were taking in.

She was scared.

Remembering everything that had happen when she last closed her eyes.

Her mind told her body to sit up, but her limbs refused to move.

She writhed and shook, trying to force her body to obey.

It was useless.

The only thing she could do was turn her head slightly.

Panic set in as she noticed another person in the room.

The stranger's eyes met her silver ones.

She opened her mouth to speak, but the only sound that came out was a faint whimper.

That smile, the smile that would haunt her dreams, was all she could see.

How long have I been here?

Why can't I move?

Stranger walked to the table, in awe of his creation.

He could finally present her to the world.

He will now be known for creating the first living, breathing, human machine.

She was going to be a star.

His star.

He petted the girl's head, lovingly.

Tears pricked her eyes, afraid of his motives.

He spoke softly, words that made her mind shut off.

"Oh, Darling. Dry those tears. The people are going to love you."

It was then that she finally realized.

She was no longer Kirstin Maldonado.

She was now the world's to see.

To be mesmerized with.

She was possibly the future of this world.

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