w e e k - t h r e e ¹

22 3 0

[ November 7, 2032 ]

Today was the day.

The world was going to see her.

That thought alone was terrifying.

She was beyond nervous without a doubt.

She didn't know if she would be able to answer questions if they asked her any.

What if Stranger didn't let her talk?

Sighing, she rubbed her eyes and got out of her bed.

The outfit she had picked out met Stranger's standards luckily.

Her stomach churned thinking about him dictating what she wore.

As she pushed down the vile that rose up her throat, she changed into the outfit.

Stranger had been kind enough to steal the makeup from her bathroom drawers that day.

Opting for a natural look, she only put on mascara, eyeliner, concealer, and a tinted lip balm.

She didn't want to have to redo it if it was too much for Stranger.

Once she was pleased with her appearance, she walked downstairs to find Stranger.

"Oh, Darling! You look stunning!"

He smiled at the girl as she thanked him.

He held his hand out towards her to walk her outside.

She was hesitant, but took his hand in her own as they made their way out of the home.


When they arrived at the news station, people started to flood around their car, taking pictures on top of pictures.

The flashes from the camera's cause the girl to shield her eyes, for the unexpected light brought pain to them.

Stranger drove slow, letting them take pictures.

He hoped that his Darling would get put in a magazine or on a headline.

Finally, they got to the entrance, where Stranger parked the vehicle and gave the keys to a chauffeur.

He grabbed ahold of the girls hand and pulled her inside the building.

"Don't talk unless you are spoken to, understand?"

She was taken back by his sudden change in tone, but didn't say anything.

She simply nodded, showing that she did in fact understand.


The man spoke softly yet sternly towards her.

After the pair had waited for a few minutes, a woman cane out and walked over to them.

"Hi! You must be Dr. Sallow."

She shook hands with Stranger and smiled.

The girl furrowed her brows, having never heard that name before.

Stranger smiled back and nodded.

"Yes, ma'am. And this is Star."

He motioned over to girl and pushed her towards the woman.

'Star' was taken aback by the action, but disregarded it and held her hand out for the woman to shake.

"It's very nice to meet you, Star."

"You too.."

She spoke softly, afraid if she spoke any louder, she would get in trouble.

"Now, let's get started shall we? I'll show you to the taping room."

The woman directed them to a big, open room that had a couch and a chair placed in the middle.

There were camera's all around the back of the room.

It looked like a typical news set, but more.. casual?

The girl took a look at how many people were in the room and curled into herself.

She hadn't been around this many people in weeks.

"This won't be a live taping. It with be pre-recorded. Meaning, if you mess up, we can go back and redo it."

Stranger nodded and smiled down at the girl.

She looked away from him, feeling extremely uncomfortable with his presence.

While the woman and Stranger spoke to each other, the girl was lost in her thoughts.

After a few moments, an idea popped into her mind.

She pulled on Stranger's arm sleeve and motioned him to her.

"What if we put a number on the screen? You know, for if people want to ask questions? Maybe we can answer some of them and get our names out more. I could answer the phone sometimes too. Make it more personal instead of you just telling everyone?"

She thought that if someone recognized her, she could answer the phone and get help.

It sounded like a great plan to her.

"I don't know, love.. What if someone tries something bad?"

The girl sighed, looking down at the ground as if she was sad. It was only an act to get Stranger to say yes.

Stranger let out a breath, trying not to give in.

"Alright. But if something bad happens, I'm changing our number."

She looked up and smiled.

"Yay! Okay! Thank you!"

She engulfed the man into a hug, genuinely happy.

This was the thing that could possibly save her life.

How could she not be happy?

Now, the hard part.

Recording for a news report about the things Stranger did to make her half human.

Yay.. so fun.

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