w e e k - t h r e e ²

19 1 0

[ November 7, 2032 ]

The camera's started rolling.

The girl's hands were fiddling in her lap.

"Good Morning, Los Angeles. I am Naya DelVano, and this is your 10am news."

The camera's were pointed to the woman as she spoke.

"Today we have a special guest. Dr. Marcus Sallow, who has created the very first human-robot hybrid. Dr. Sallow, would you mind telling us how you completed this?"

"Well, starting off, I experimented on many different subjects. They were always test runs you know? Just trying to perfect my experiment. Then, when I saw Star, I asked her to be my prototype, and she complied."

Stranger smiled down at the girl, who looked at him with confusion in her eyes.

I did not go willingly.

The girl crossed her arms over her chest, trying to hide the anger in her face.

"I started out by putting a scanner, almost like an EEG, but reversed, in the back of her skull. This makes it possible for her to read thoughts, and gage feelings that are not being shown on the outside.

She has completely new eyes that can scan anything in a matter of milliseconds, and when it is scanned, it will stay in her data until it is no longer needed.

She also has a metal lining inside both of her legs, as apposed to bones. This helps her to be able to run faster than an average human, and they are programmed to be used as defense if or when she would need it.

The last thing I did, was enhance her facial features to make her more appealing to the eyes. Not that she wasn't beautiful before, I just brought out her natural beauty a little more."

The girl wanted to vomit. She had never heard the extent of what he had did to her. She started feeling dizzy, but brushed it off, after shutting her eyes for a moment.

The news anchor nodded in amazement.

"So she's like a superhuman?"

Stranger chuckled.

"I'm not sure you would call it that. I prefer hybrid."

"So, why did you create her to be half human?"

"Well, as a child, I was always into sci-fi and robot movies. The ones where the scientists created machines that would help the world. I aspired to be like that when I grew up. I wanted to bring something to the world that could help it in the long run. Who knows, maybe we could create more people like Star?"

The lady nodded and looked over at the girl.

"What are your thoughts on all of this, Star?"

She looked at the woman, surprised that she spoke to her.

With a shaky breath, she began to speak.

"Um. I think.. that.. it's really cool.. you know? To be the first half human, half machine? Yeah.."

After her awkward reply, the woman smiled.

"Is there anything you would like to tell the audience, Dr. Sallow?"

"Oh! Yes. There is a number you can call to ask us questions. We will try our best to answer them all. The line is only going to stay open for a few weeks, so don't hesitate to call."

This caused the girl to smile brightly.

Looking around the room, she came face to face with a big camera, staring into it, hoping that the editor's would keep it in the final cut.

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