w e e k - s e v e n

17 1 0

[ December 5, 2032 ]

"Police! Open up!"

The pounding on the door woke the girl up from her sleep.

She ran down the stairs to find Stranger at the door.

"Go back to you room!"

He spoke sternly to the girl.

The girl stood there, confused as to what was going on.

"I said go to your room!"

He yelled at her, causing her to jump.

She made her way up the stairs, sitting down on the very top step, wanting to see what happens.

Stranger made his way to the door, opening it slowly.

Putting on a smile, he looked at the officers who were outside.

"Hello, Officers. Who can I help you?"

"We have had reports of possible abuse in the household. Sir, can we see Miss Star, please?"

"Um, Star? She's sleeping right now. What is this abuse thing about? I can assure you there is no abuse happening."

"Sir, we just need to talk to the girl, alright?"

Stranger sighed and nodded, shutting the door.

He turned around, making his way up the stairs.

The girl quickly ran to her room, pretending to be asleep.

Her door flung open, scaring her.

Stranger walked over to her, jerking her out of the bed.

She gasped, crying out from fear, shock, and pain.

He was holding to her arm tightly.

"Let me go!"

She tried to jerk away, but he wouldn't let go.


"Now, you are going to go out there and tell them that you're okay here, got it?"

She nodded, still trying to break free.

Stranger let her go, pushing her forcefully.

An officer knocked on the door urgently.

She looked at Stranger, angrily before walking out of the room and down the stairs.

She opened the door quickly, not even trying to hide her fear from the other man.

The officer smiled and motioned for her to step outside, to which she complied.

"Ms. Star, may I ask you a few questions?"

She nodded and followed the man.

"He's watching from the window.."

She whispered to the man and looked up at Stranger, locking eyes with him.

The officer did the same and nodded.

"Alright. Let's make a code, okay? Shake your head for yes, nod for no. He won't suspect anything, I promise, okay?"


"Has Mr. Sallow ever hit you or hurt you at all?"

She shook her head, just as he told her to do.

The officer nodded and wrote the answers down.

"Has he ever told you to do something or he will punish you in any way if you do not?"

Once again, she shook her head.

"Does he make you feel uncomfortable when you're alone?"

She answered truthfully.

"Alright, we will take this from here."


She spoke barely above a whisper, afraid of what was going to happen.

"Don't worry. You'll be safe, now."

She believed him.

"Stay with Officer Sallee alright?"

She nodded seeing the man walk over to her.

The other officer walked inside the house, going to find Stranger.

After a few moments, the officer came out the door with an angry Stranger in handcuffs.

He glared at the girl, trying to get to her and away from the officer.

The girl's breath hitched, as she locked eyes with him.

Officer Sallee gently grabbed her arm, turning her away from the man.

"How about we go back to the station? We will get your statement, and you'll be free to go afterwards."

Free to go..

The words echoed in her mind, over and over.

Relief rushed through her.

She nodded and followed him to the police car before getting into the passenger's seat.

As she closed the door, she got another glimpse of Stranger and froze.

"Hey. Don't worry, you won't be seeing him for a while."

She nodded, hoping the man was right.

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