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Camila POV

"Why did you let me take this much before" I ask Derek feeling the drugs enter my system much faster then ever

"I didn't think you were ready and I wanted you to ease into it you only started talking hard drugs about two months ago" he said making me realize it hard been two months and I'll be starting school again soon

"Damm two months already I feel like it was just yesterday I took my first Xanax with you" I said making him chuckle

"Time flies when you getting high" he said making me laugh feeling vary sluggish due to the amount of drugs in my system

"Or how I would just hand you all the money I had in my pocket for drugs but look at us now we are getting high and getting rich all while we chill on your couch" I told him because getting rich was right I never thought I would be making the money I do I even had enough to buy a motorcycle and all the drugs I need

Gabe has finally upgraded me to the good stuff with Derek and we have been selling good sometimes we stay in and let the people come to us but other times we go out to the people who can't come to us

"Camila" I felt like I heard Derek whisper I was laying back in the big couch staring at out the window the sun was getting ready to set

"Camila" it got a little louder but my focus was on the trees moving side to side from the light breeze it was like they were dancing

"Camila" I heard being shouted by Derek I move my head to face him

"Stop being so loud" I told him and he followed with a shrugged  

"Well you're phones been ringing like crazy on the table annoying the shit out of me" he says turning the music higher

I grab my phone to be met with a bright screen hurting my head in the process I turn the volume down then look at my notifications to see Lauren has called me I call back immediately not even thinking twice not even knowing what I'm going to say

"Hello" I heard her voice on the other end there was a lump in my throat Couldn't talk I just hung up the phone and sat back on the couch

I honestly didn't know how I felt about Lauren anymore I remember there was a time I felt like my life depended on her now I feel numb to those feeling

"Fuck I need to get more high" I say heating up the drug I love so much and filling the needle with a half since I just took a full

"Great idea" Derek replies with staring his own up that's what I liked about Derek he was always there if I wanted to get high he wanted to get high if I wanted to smoke weed he would want to smoke week he was my best friend

I was about to stick the needle in my arm but I had a little trouble looking for a Vein that hasn't been used recently witch was really hard

Once I found a perfect vein I didn't even think twice about stabbing the needle into my arm and injecting the substance into my blood flow then pulled the needle out my arm and pulled my sleeve to my shirt down

Derek said I should wear long selves or a sweater so people won't see the marks on my arms and I totally agree I don't want my dad to see them or anyone at school so I always wear long now

That's when my phone started ringing again pulling me out of thought

I picked it up seeing Lauren's name flash across the screen I looked outside the sun was setting I decided to answer the call

"Hello" I said firmly into the phone

"Hey Camila" I heard her say

"What happened" I asked her

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