chapter four

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I was woken up at the crack of dawn by Eve, who wanted to get an extra early head start to our day. I got up and went to the bathroom to have a quick shower. After, I put on my long sleeved white button down, my light grey vest, my grey pleated skirt, my black pumps, my Slytherin tie, and finally my Hogwarts robes. I had my hair in light waves, and had fairly simple makeup. One thing I really liked about myself was my hair, almost waist length, and white blond, just like my brother's. I think my hair is what makes me undeniably a Malfoy. But while, my father, mother and brother have icy blue eyes, I stood out with my bright green ones. Other than that, I looked just like Draco. I was all ready to go, but Eve still looked a mess. With her long brown hair in knots and her very pronounced eye bags, she needed some help. I told her to go wash her hair while i gathered my makeup bag. When she finished I helped her put on some light makeup to pronounce the already beautiful features she had. Once we were done, we went down to the Great Hall to have some breakfast before what I reckon would be a very busy day. 

As we got there I saw that all my other friends were already having their breakfast. I looked around at all the other House tables, looked at all the students that could be our friends if most Slytherins weren't so obsessed with blood purity. I was snapped out of my reverie by my brother "Helena, I've been speaking to you for like five minutes and you haven't heard a thing, have you?" he glowered. "Sorry D, I've been a bit distracted" I explained. "No, yeah, I think I've noticed" he rolled his eyes, "I was just asking you if you got around to writing to Mum?" he asked. "No, I haven't. I fell asleep pretty quick yesterday" I said. "It's fine, just please do it today will you?" he insisted. "I'm not your little house elf, Draco" I snapped, suddenly feeling annoyed at him. Why can't he ever do anything himself? Draco stared at me in a okay-what's-up kind of way. "Nothing, nothing, i'll try to do it today." I said, earning half a smile from him. "Okay was that your little twin mind reading thing?" Eve wondered. "You do know that doesn't exist, right?" Draco and I said at the same time. "That just freaky" Blaise said, while everyone laughed. I did feel as though sometimes I could read Draco's mind, just as he could probably read mine. 

Transfiguration went by in a blur, and then it was time for Potions, with Professor Snape. I was pretty decent at Potions, not a Hermione Granger, but not a Neville Longbottom either. We had to brew a Draught of Peace which was relatively easy, but it was in pairs. Snape assigned the partner at random. I was paired with Ron Weasley, I made my way towards his desk earning a snort from my brother. I turned and glared at him, making him laugh. "Hey Ron, how have you been?" I politely asked, "Oh, brilliant" he answered absentmindedly. I turned to find Hermione Granger shooting daggers at me with her look. "What's got her panties in a twist?" I mumbled at Ron, "I don't think she likes you much" he said, realizing what he said after a second, "Sorry" he murmured. Surprisingly I realized, the feeling was mutual. Ron and I got to work, working really well together. Our potion came out near perfection. This was a win, but everyone still had to write two rolls of parchment on the properties of moonstone. 

Later, in Divination, which was probably my worst subject, I sat with Draco and Eve, attempting to read each others tea leaves. Eve read Draco's interpreting some darkness in his near future, I cast a look at him and raised my eyebrows. He shrugged it off, both of us knowing that in our family, stood a lot of darkness. I didn't need my tea leaves read to know that. Divination was rubbish, Professor Trelawney didn't have a single bit of the Sight. I bet I could predict the future better than she could, and that is saying quite a lot. So I was more than thrilled when class was finally done.  Now it was time for Defense Against the Dark Arts with the new teacher, Professor Umbridge. 

On the way to her classroom, I vaguely heard Harry, Ron and Hermione talking about Hagrid's disappearance. Draco saw an opportunity to pick a row with Harry, "Maybe, the stupid great oaf's got himself badly injured." he said in a low voice. "Maybe you will if you don't shut up," Harry said, exasperated. "Hey, stop it, both of you." I said in a hard voice. Draco rolled his eyes and went to speak with Pansy, while Harry just kept staring at me, as if making up his mind about me. "Maybe if you brother learned to keep his big mouth shut we wouldn't have problems." Harry muttered under his breath. "What was that, Potter?" I said, in a grave voice. Harry looked sick, as he mumbled something else while searching for a good seat in the DADA classroom. I didn't have any problems with Harry, but I wasn't about to let anyone badmouth my brother, even if he did deserve it. As soon as I sat down next to Blair, I realized I left my book in the common room, which was about a million floors away, but I was determined to get it, "Crap, I've left my book, in the common room, I'll be back, okay?" I murmured to Blair. "Yeah don't worry I'll cover for you." she said back. 

As I rushed to the common room I realized that Blair literally had no way of covering for me, well I appreciate the thought anyway. Once I got to my room I spent a whole five minutes just trying to find my copy of Defensive Magical Theory by Wilbert Slinkhard. Then as I was walking back I saw the time, and I was about thirty minutes late to class. As I was about to go in, I heard shouting, "So, according to you, Cedric Diggory dropped dead of his own accord, did he?" said the unmistakeable voice of Harry Potter. "Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident" spoke Professor Umbridge's cold voice. I opened the door to hear Harry say, "It was murder, Voldemort killed him and you know it". Thirty pairs of eyes were on me in an instant, and Umbridge probably saw my arrival as a brilliant form of changing the subject. "Oh, hello Miss Malfoy, and where, if I may ask, have you been?" she asked in a fake girlish voice. "Oh I left my book in my dorm and just went to look for it." I said rather calmly. "Surely, you don't expect me to let you wander about the castle and show up late to my class and face no consequences, do you?" she said in what sounded like a sweet voice that I was sure was not real. "It's only the first day, you're not seriously going to give me detention, are you?" I snapped. "Actually, yes, and you can join Mr. Potter for detention, tomorrow evening in my office!" she giggled. I made eye contact with Harry and rolled my eyes, this did not sit well with her. "I do not appreciate you're attitude, Miss Malfoy. Make that two days of detention." she said clearly excited.  Without another word, I sat down on my seat next to Blair, hating this woman more than ever. 

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