chapter twelve

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I woke much earlier than I expected, having plenty of time to wash, dry and style my hair. I put my clothes on and I walked at a slow pace towards the Great Hall. This evening we'd be having our first official DA meeting, which I was feeling apprehensive about. I got to the Great Hall so early, that no one from my year was even there, it was no problem  because I actually didn't mind being alone. So I sat and started munching absentmindedly on some toast, when all of a sudden two girls who I figured couldn't be much younger than I was sat, next to me. "Hey, you're Helena Malfoy, aren't you?" said the tiny raven haired one, who seemed to be the bravest of the pair. The other one, dirty blonde and slender kind of just stared at me with awe? It couldn't be but I didn't have any other explanation. "In the flesh" I responded coolly, after a beat the same black haired girl spoke again "We want to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind", I could tell she was the type to speak so fast, one rarely understood her, quite loud too. "Why don't we start with names? Cause I don't really know either of you" I laughed, intrigued. "Oh right, I'm Flora and this is Emma." she babbled. "Noted, so what is this about?" I mused. "Well Emma here, is a bit shy," Emma rolled her eyes at that, which made Flora smile "And she sort of has a huge crush on your brother. Draco?" Ah, so this is what a couple of fourth years were bothering me with so early in the morning. "The very one" I said, totally uninterested from this point on. Emma noticed my expression, "We're awfully sorry to bother you. I just wanted to chat with him, maybe go for a butterbeer?" she stuttered. "Oh are you asking me out?," I teased "Because if not I'm not really sure what you want me to do for you?". This wasn't the first time something like this happened. For some reason, a ton of girls liked my brother, why they thought I'd give them advice? That certainly is a mystery. Then, someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned to see the man of the hour, his face contorted with anger. Emma's cheeks went crimson and Flora's jaw was on the floor. "Excuse us, ladies" Draco said in a hard voice, they stood up so quickly and left the Great Hall. 

"What's got your panties in a twist?" I teased, trying to lighten the mood, my attempts failed. "Helena, what did I tell you to do yesterday?" Draco snarled, "What in the hell are you on about?" I snapped back, not liking his attitude. "I told you to wake me when you got back! And as usual, you didn't listen to me" he spat. "Cause I got back fine, I was fine. And don't raise your voice at me!" I shot back. "I'll raise my voice if I want to raise my voice! As your older brother, how am I supposed to protect you if you won't even let me?" he bellowed. "Oh my God, Draco, get a grip! Can't you see I'm fine? Or I was, right before you got here and started shouting!" I yelled back. I understand he might be worried, but how did he get through his thick skull that this was the right way to go about it? He's absolutely ridiculous, as if I can't take care of myself. I'm about as tough as he is or possibly more! At this point everyone who was having breakfast was staring at us, even the teachers. I looked over to the Gryffindor table and I felt so embarrassed for letting Draco get under my skin and making a scene. As Draco was catching a breath to keep the shouting match going, Snape sauntered over to us, that shut him up. "Mr. and Miss Malfoy, how many times am I going to have to break up your petty little arguments?" he asked to no one in particular, "Fifteen points from Slytherin" he smirked and walked back to the front table. I gathered my things and walked out.

How embarrassing! I was walking so fast, desperate to be out of this area, that I didn't even realize that I bumped into someone until I was bum on the floor. My cheeks felt hot and I figured I had a horrible blush going on. Because of my fair skin, every time I blushed, it was very noticeable. Humiliatingly so. I then realized it was Blaise who I fell into. "Helena, are you okay? You were storming out here, you didn't even notice me." he asked, concern lacing his tone. "Yes, I'm alright, I just had a terrible row with Draco in the Great Hall, I'm sure you'll hear all about it." I said, in a snappy tone. "Are you okay though? I may not be his twin but I know how annoying your brother can be". This made me smile, Blaise and Draco were best mates, and Draco could be very nasty to him. "You should call him out on it." I said while smiling, "Yeah, no, I think I'm good", this made me chuckle. "Well, you'd better go, find Draco and all that. I'm sure he's off breaking things" I could see the excitement behind his eyes at my words. "Right, see you!" he said as he took off towards wherever my brother could be. 

I walked towards the Potions classroom, I was not in the mood to deal with Snape. Even though Snape treated Draco and I with favoritism because of my fathers ties with the Dark Lord, it was not that much better. Compared to how he treated Gryffindors it was definitely better but he barely tolerates us. Since this year is OWL year, we were reviewing Strengthening Solutions. It was a very boring class and I didn't get any marks because I completely botched the potion. Honestly I can't be bothered with this class. After three classes it was time for another boring lesson of Defense Against the Dark Arts with Professor Umbridge who spent the entire lesson speaking on conflict avoidance, which totally reminded me of Eve. She has spent the last two days avoiding me as much as she could, she even skipped meals. Coward. When we were dismissed, I figured I'd go after her, scare her a bit, but I decided against it. She didn't even deserve that.

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