chapter fourteen

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Soon after a few D.A. meetings, I felt sort of comfortable with the Gryffindors. Except for a select few, including Hermione Granger, that purposefully went out of their way to remind me that I didn't belong. I was still a bit shy with the Gryffindors that did accept me, though. I was walking alone towards the Great Hall for lunch when I was ambushed by Fred and George.

"Oi, Helena!" yelled Fred, from a few feet away, making me jump in surprise. "What is it Fred?" I asked skeptically. "Can we offer you some sweets?" he asked, raising his eyebrows while Fred extended his hands, full of yellow and orange gummies. I only laughed, "And what might those be?" knowing they sold a bunch of different types of sweets that made you ill. "Oh, nothing, just your average gummies" said Fred, sending a wink my way. "Well, no, I don't want any," I said while shaking my head, "But I do need something, that'll make someone ill without leaving any real damage" I spoke, getting an idea. "Who crossed you, Malfoy?" George wondered, his eyes sparkling at the thought of pranking someone. "Well, if you must know, I had unfair detention with Umbridge because of a girl, Eve, from my House" I confided. "Helena, we'd be honored to help you prank Eve" Fred chuckled, "Meet us in the Astrology Tower at midnight". "This better be good" I muttered as I entered the Great Hall. 

I made my way to the Slytherin table and as I walked, I noticed Draco reading a letter, while blushing. "Draco, what's got you looking all happy?" I teased as I sat beside him, last nights conflict forgotten. "Nothing" he mumbled while stuffing it in the pockets of his robes. "Okay, then" I rolled my eyes, knowing he would tell me soon enough. In, stormed Blaise, sitting next to me. "Whats wrong?" I asked him, he looked bothered. "That Umbridge is a right old hag!" he sighed, "Tell me about it" I answered, thinking back to the awful detentions I endured. "If it weren't for the fact that I'm in the Inquisitorial Squad, she'd have my head" he stormed. "Yes, if only Helena would join the Inquisitorial Squad, maybe Umbridge would ease up with her" Draco said while giving me a side glance. I rolled my eyes at him, while speaking to Blaise, "What'd she do?", "I had detention yesterday, and she held me there for four hours! I barely got any sleep" he was trying his best not to shout, while he rubbed his eyes. I looked at Draco in alarm, and he mirrored my own expression. "What did she make you do?" Draco asked him, feigning indifference, when I could tell he was thinking about what I had to do. "She made me do lines, writing 'I will behave in class', what am I, nine?" As he said the words, I studied his hands, looking for a scar, I didn't see anything. "Just regular lines?" I asked innocently while looking at my food. "Yeah, what other lines would she have me do?" he said, as if I had trouble understanding. I just looked at Draco, he understood. It wasn't as if all Slytherins were exempt from her 'special quill', because I had to use it. Was it just the people in the Inquisitorial Squad? Luckily, Draco probably wouldn't have to use it, him being in the Inquisitorial Squad and everything. How could she love my brother but hate me? At least the feeling was mutual.

The rest of the lessons of the day, went by in a blur. It was ten o'clock and our dormitory was empty except for Blair and me. Pansy was probably off snogging my brother, while we had no idea where Eve could be. Blair spent most of the next two hours gushing about how happy she was with Flint. I was glad, because no one deserved happiness any more than Blair did. Soon she was fast asleep on my bed, I groaned internally at having to sleep on her bed. But that wasn't important right now because I had to go meet the twins at the Astronomy Tower. Pansy was also asleep already but as I left, once again I wondered where Eve could be. 

I left the dungeons feeling as if someone was watching me, "Lumos" I murmured, looking around. I was mentally cursing Fred and George for picking literally the farthest place from the Slytherin common room. I was rather excited just thinking about whatever it is the twins would plot. I wanted something simple, but that would still do the trick.

When I got to the Astronomy Tower, it seemed to be empty. Until I saw Fred, staring out the vast window. "Hi, Fred, or is it George? No, its Fred" I said unsure of myself. He turned and smiled, "Hi, Helena, or is it Draco? No, its definitely Draco" he said, teasing. "Where's your other half?" I giggled, "Where's yours?" he countered, earning an eye roll from me. "George is on his way, he had some things to take care of," he explained, "Not to be nosy but I thought you and Eve were something of a dynamic duo" he said, the question clear in his tone. "Well, we used to be. But then she got me thrown in detention," I rolled my eyes, "Which is basically torture, because Umbridge made me use one of her special quills that left this ugly scar on my hand" I faltered, something about Fred Weasley's expression made me spill my guts to him. He just stared at my hand, "And I'm rambling" I stammered, looking anywhere but at him. I was surprised to hear his laugh echo through the tower, as he opened his mouth to reply, in came George "Are you ready to get your prank on?" he grinned. I turned away from Fred, "What have you got planned?" I asked, curious. "Well, we were thinking, we want to do something that'll shock her but not seriously harm her," Fred gushed, "So we were thinking you could trick her into eating one of our very own Ton- Tongue Toffees, and before you ask Helena, they make a persons tongue swell up to ten times its original size!" he said, his eyes sparkling with sudden excitement. "Fred, George, thats genius!" I exclaimed, loving this idea, "But how will we get her to eat it?" I asked, doubting she would eat anything I gave her. "That's where we come in, just get her to the Great Hall tomorrow morning and we will handle the rest" said George, winking at me.

Soon after I bid them good night, I made my way towards the common room. When I got there and into my dorm I saw Eve fast asleep in her bed. I grinned with excitement, thinking of tomorrow. I got ready and was drifting to sleep in Blair's bed in no time.

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