chapter eleven

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While on the stairs towards the second floor, Draco caught up with me. "Helena, come on. Wait" "What is it?"I asked, sort of annoyed because I needed to mentally prepare myself for this. "Thought I could offer some support and walk you to the second floor corridor?" he said, and I felt touched. Draco and I haven't had much bonding time as of lately. "Thanks Draco, so are you finally gonna fess up who you have a crush on?" I asked, pushing my luck, hoping he wouldn't get mad. He rolled his eyes and I expected no less. "You wish" he retorted, "Yes, I do." I sighed, pouting. "Not gonna work, Helena", I gave him my best pout and he still didn't tell me, what is it with all these secrets lately! "You know you will, eventually. After all, who's the only person that knows you better than yourself?" he didn't respond. "That's what I thought"I chuckled, I figured I'd give him time, after all he would tell me soon enough. 

As Draco and I continued our little back and forth all the way to Umbridge's office, we ran into Harry out front. "What are you doing here, Potter?" Draco said, carefully concealing his true self, with his self imposed dick attitude. "Nothing that might interest you, Malfoy" he responded in the same attitude Draco had, he didn't look at me once. "Saint Potter, got himself thrown in detention for whining to Professors again did he?" Draco sneered, I hate it when he uses that voice. Really though, Draco seemed uninterested in whatever Harry had to say as he turned to me. "Wake me as soon as you get back, I want to make sure you're okay" he said in a low voice, obviously not wanting Harry to hear, but he had no such luck because Harry's face contorted in surprise at my brother's obvious change in attitude towards me. What? Did he really think Draco was as nasty to me as he was to him? "Okay, I will" I answered, Draco squeezed my hand and left without a second glance at Harry.

"You look surprised" I commented, "Thats because I am" he responded curtly. "What are you doing here?, if you don't mind me asking" I added shyly, thinking of what Harry said to Draco when he asked. "Well, I saw your face when Umbridge gave you detention, so I sort of gave her a reason to throw me in detention. It wasn't a terribly difficult task." he said quickly. "Oh, Harry! No you didn't!" I couldn't tell if this was either the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me or possibly the stupidest. "Yes I did, now you don't have to bear it alone". I was actually speechless, "Harry Potter, I refuse to believe you would do this to yourself, for me. Honestly! Are you mental?" turns out I did find words. This was crazy, why would he do this? "Helena, its fine, I've had to deal with worse" he said which earned an eye roll from me because did he honestly believe himself The Chosen One? I mean he was, but no need to brag about it. He laughed a loud laugh at my response. 

Detention was much the same as usual, if not worse. I wondered if I would ever get used to this. Harry was glancing at me frequently, his presence really did help, I owed him big time. I made a mental note to ask him when the DA would have its first meeting. 

After two hours that felt like ten, we were finally dismissed. I was exhausted, my eyelids drooping. "Do you mind if I walk you to your common room?" Harrys asked me, as soon as we were out of Umbridge's office. "That would be lovely, thank you." I answered delicately, as we walked to the dungeons I asked for an update regarding Dumbledore's Army. "Yes, I was talking with Hermione and Ron and we figured we'd hold the meetings in the Room of Requirement up on the seventh floor," he pointed upwards with his hand, "And the first meeting will be tomorrow night, at eight o'clock" he informed me. "Brilliant, I'm actually quite excited as well as nervous", "Well why are you nervous?" he asked curiously. "As you know, I don't exactly get on with most people in the group, they all hate me" I said bitterly. "They don't hate you, they just don't know you." when I rolled my eyes at him he added "Alright, they kind of just hate your brother, and since you're Draco in girl form, they can't help but dislike you too". Ouch, "I know Draco can be a handful at times, but just because I'm his twin doesn't mean that we are the same" he smiled at my words, "I mean in a personality sense. Its just a bit shit that they can't see me as my own person." I muttered, a wave of emotion washing over me. Harry's face had panic written all over it, clearly surprised at my sudden emotion. "Its okay, once they get to know you, they'll love you." he said reassuringly, "No, they won't. That's the thing, I'll always be a Malfoy." I croaked, trying my very best not to cry. "I'll make sure of it." he said, convinced. I let him have it, even though I didn't believe a word he said. I realized we were already in the dungeons, I was distracted by the conversation apparently. "Thank you for walking me, Harry." I mumbled, swiftly giving him a kiss on the cheek. His blush appeared instantly, "Oh, its no problem" he said, and added "Good night, Helena" as he walked away. "Good night, Harry" I whispered, mostly to myself because he was already out of earshot.

As I entered the common room I decided not to wake Draco, after all, I was feeling oddly at peace. I spent about and hour doing some homework and after further fighting my eyelids, I was done. I went up to my dorm where both Blair and Pansy were fast asleep, but Eve's bed was empty. I might've went out to look for her, if I wasn't so exhausted and so pissed off at her. I went to the loo to wash up and soon I was drifting to sleep. 

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