1 - All I Have is Time

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My last first day of high school. It was exactly as uneventful and unpleasant as I was expecting it to be. Sometimes I wish I could just stay at home all day and sleep. I can't even remember the last time I slept really well. Actually now that I think about it I realize it was probably during the summer break around 2 years ago. I miss the vacation already and it literally just ended. I have no idea how I'll be able to manage waking up for school every day. Why can't it be Christmas already!

Oh great, I left my phone in my house. Geez, now the walk back home will be a nightmare without music. 45 minutes of silence... Ugh... I can't wait to get this over with.

Maybe I should wait for the bus. It would get me home faster but I've hated traveling with public transportation ever since one time somebody stole my wallet. Not to mention how everyone just walks all over each other and if I even set my foot on that stupid yellow monstrosity I guarantee my new shoes would be completely ruined in an instant.

Uh-uh now way. I paid way too much for these to let them become filthy on the first day I've worn them. Now that I think about it walking doesn't sound all that bad. Besides this is better for the environment. Well technically the bus will still go even if I'm not on it so I guess I'm not really helping anyone by not traveling with it.

I wish I hadn't come here at all. It's not like anything interesting happens on the first day anyways. If mom hadn't dragged my ass to school I would probably still be sleeping right now. That reminds me, I already miss my bed.

As I was entertaining myself with these thoughts from the corner of my eye, I noticed someone crossing the empty street, whom I soon recognized as my classmate Jordan. He had his headphones on while he was head bopping to the song he was listening to. All of a sudden his bag opened and some of the books fell out which didn't surprise me in the slightest considering how clumsy he had always been. That was one of the few qualities I disliked about him actually.

That fool is going to get himself killed one day – I thought to myself as I watched him slowly pick up his books  that were previously inside his beg. I was thinking about lending him a helping hand but he was too far away from me, by the time I would arrive to where he was in this exact moment he would have already picked up his belongings and left and I'd be stuck in the middle of the road awkwardly all by myself so I changed my mind and continued on my already established route where the destination was my sweet sweet bed.

I looked at Jordan one last time just to make sure he was fine and it seemed like he had everything under control. That is until I set my eyes on the truck that was about to make a turn and squash him. My heart stopped beating for a second as I started running towards him with full force.

"Jordan!" I yelled. "Get out of there, you moron."

He didn't even flinch before he picked up the last book and put it in his backpack. He then finally turned towards the car while his face became filled with terror and panic.

"Nooooo!" I screamed seconds before the vehicle was about to crush my classmates body and held my breath for a few moments while simultaneously closing my eyes shut very tightly.

I couldn't even dare to open them as my breath became even more unstable and I lost my balance. However I soon regained my consciousness once I realized there was something wrong. I couldn't hear the car crash. In fact I couldn't hear anything at all. This wasn't the usual sort of silence either. Even the birds weren't tweeting any longer. It sort of reminded me of the last winter. I recalled the night when it snowed. That was probably the closest thing that I could compare this to. But that wasn't quite it though. This wasn't just silence. It was more like void, a... a vacuum. There was no sound at all.

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