6 - Explosion

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Would it be considered stalking if I said I was spying on my classmate as he was busy running on the truck at our school's back yard? I guess technically it would but I had a good reason... Or perhaps that was just an excuse that every stalker used to make themselves feel better about doing something creepy.

Regardless I needed to find out if Lucas was also gifted like me but unfortunately he didn't exactly seem like the talkative type. He hardly ever spoke in class and most of the time it just seemed like he wanted nothing to do with anyone.

How could I possibly confirm my suspicion? Lucas wasn't exactly an open book so reading him was presenting quite a challenge. If I just went up to him and asked, he'd surely deny it as proven by his reaction when we bumped into each other the previous day. Perhaps I could tell him that I was also someone with a supernatural ability... No. That would have been too risky. At least now when I wasn't completely sure he had similar abilities to me. It would probably be for the best if I put that aside as a plan B.

Although once I looked at Lucas at first glance he just seemed like a normal guy. He was really fast at running but there was nothing about his speed that would indicate he had some sort of unnatural power.s The way he moved his limbs was quite captivating. It wasn't the first time I was gazing at a runner but there was something different about his movement. As if he was desperately trying to escape from someone or something. As if he was doing it to save his life without looking back.

But in reality he was just running in circles. Sometimes it felt like I was doing the same...

I figured there was no point in observing him like this so I prepared to leave. Besides it was getting a bit late and Dominique would probably get worried if I didn't get home soon. She was already irritated enough because the job interview she went to didn't go as smoothly as she wished so she wasn't that hopeful they'd call her back.

Once I grabbed my backpack I headed towards the exit without paying much attention to what Lucas was doing. But during the time I was trying to leave he had somehow managed to get in front of the gate and blocked my exit.

"Why were you watching me?" He asked with a demanding voice.

"I wasn't watching you..." I acted as if I was unfazed by his sudden appearance.

"You're even worse at lying than spying on people." He did have a point, since I wasn't exactly making much effort to be inconspicuous.

"I have a huge crush on you. Please have my babies, like right now..." I said with a serious tone.

"What?" Lucas was so flustered that his entire face became rosy in a span of few seconds.

"Relax, dude, I'm only kidding." I couldn't help but laugh.

"I knew that..." He tried to pretend to be unbothered but it was clear as day he was feeling quite awkward. "But why were you really watching me then?"

"I have this art project where we have to draw athletes so I thought observing someone in action would be helpful." I lied.

"Then show me your sketches." Lucas seemed to be skeptical.

"I didn't bring my sketchbook. It doesn't fit in my backpack." I answered.

"How will you be able to draw then?" He questioned me as he raised his eyebrow.

"I have a photographic memory so I don't need to make sketches right now." Even I was amazed by my own deceitfulness. "What is this an interrogation?"

"You're the one staring at strangers without their permission. I don't think you have the right to be mad." He stated.

"I'm sorry." I realized how creepy all of this must have been from his point of view. I needed to find a different way to uncover if he had powers or not because if I continued this path of stalking people that would only take me to one very unpleasant place called jail. Getting arrested as a teenager was actually not a part of my plans for the future. "I won't do it again."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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