2 - Pink Bicycle

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"Now that was a nap, if I do say so myself." I announced as I yawned after waking up. "I don't think I've ever experienced such peace and quiet in my whole life..."

I finally got up from my bed and put some clothes as I glanced towards my window to check if everything had got back to normal by itself perhaps but unfortunately that was not the case. I was still stuck in this time trap or whatever the hell this was.

"Oh geez, what if I actually am stuck here for good? What a nightmare." I made a disgusted face. "Actually now that I think about that it doesn't sound all that bad. I'd be all by myself and no one would bother me. I could sleep all day, no more school. No more responsibilities. Sounds like heaven." I was so rejoiced by just thinking about all the possibilities this new power could get me. "I could literally just sit at home and watch TV all day and then sleep whenever I want to. Oh, that reminds me..."

I picked up the remote to turn on the TV but once I pressed the button nothing happened. "Stupid batteries..." I groaned and went to the monitor to turn it on from there but the screen was still pitch black.

"Oh my goodness, TV doesn't work in time jail! Nooooo!" I almost screamed. "I can't believe this. What a terrible way to crush every hope and dream I ever had..." Once I was done being overdramatic for no reason I sighed and put the remote back on the table. "Ugh, I guess I'll have to figure out a way to get out of this place after all or I might die from boredom."

I did end up deciding to unfreeze time in the end but the problem was I had no clue how to do that. I didn't even know how I froze it in the first place.

But maybe the question wasn't how but why. Why did I freeze the time? Well of course – to save my classmate Jordan who was about to become one with the road.

What if I wasn't supposed to do that? What if the reason why I'm stuck is because I saved him? What if he was meant to die and me meddling with the situation just made everything worse and caused time paradox or something?

That can't be. How could saving someone's life be a bad thing? I don't see a reason why Jordan shouldn't survive. He's a really nice person. Sure, he can be super annoying sometimes but so what? He's far less frustrating and boring than most people I know. So what if he's clumsy and extremely unlucky sometime, that doesn't mean he deserves to die.

If anyone deserves to die it's my chemistry teacher. Ugh, I hate that bitch. He never lets me sleep in his classes. I mean, what the hell, doesn't he know that it's super important to get enough rest, especially if you're a teenager and your body is still developing. You'd think a teacher of all people would be more concerned with his student's health.

I probably shouldn't be saying that. That's actually kind of really mean. Sorry, Mr. Davis, if you can hear me please know that I have no respect for chemistry or your methods of teaching but you don't deserve to die because of that. My bad.

Ugh, what am I even blabbing about? I should just get back to where everything started. Maybe I'll figure out a way to undo this time curse or whatever the heck this is.

Speaking of curses, maybe it needs a true love's kiss or something. But I don't have a boyfriend or something and I can't just go around kissing random strangers outside, that's sexual assault. I guess I'll have to figure out another way of breaking this curse that's a little less Disney.

After I was done heaving a long and unsuccessful monologue inside my head I went outside and started walking. That was when I saw my sister's pink bicycle laying on the ground and decided to borrow it since walking all the way back to where Jordan was would take far too much energy and I hadn't eaten since forever. I was fairly certain that my little sister would be furious if she had known I took her bike without her approval first but since she was also frozen just like everyone else I didn't get the chance to ask for her permission. Besides this was a matter of life and death. Well kinda.

Time Out (BxB)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें