4 - Rumors

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"Ahito!" Sakura called my name from the other side of the door. "Wake up; you'll be late for school."

"I'm already up, mom," I lied, failing to realize she'd recognize my morning voice and know I was actually still in bed.

"I can tell you're lying," she sounded a bit irritated but there was still a sense of cheerfulness in her tone. "I'll give you five more minutes and if you won't get up by then I'll come inside and drag you to school myself."

"Mom!" I whined as I tried to make up an excuse. "I- I'm naked."

"Then you better start putting some clothes on." Sakura said.

"Alright, jeez." I groaned before remembering I had all the time in the world and I could continue sleeping as long as I wanted.

I snapped my fingers and all the noise that was coming from the outside, even the crickets stopped. This pure silence was something I had a hard time getting used to at first but not having to listen to my neighbor's annoying dog barking in the morning, or the cars driving across the street was an excellent benefit so I was definitely more than willing to compromise. It was rather unsettling that the only thing I could hear was my breath that was hitting my sheets and occasional movement that my body made whenever I would get bored of sleeping in one position. However being able to stay in bed as long as my heart desired was actually a dream come true so I wasn't going to start complaining now.

"Mom," I yelled just to make sure everything was frozen and since there was no answer I placed my head back on my pillow.

I couldn't really tell how long I was asleep but when I woke up I was feeling recharged. One could even say I was looking forward to what this day was going to bring, that is of course until I recalled I had to go to school in a few minutes and the smile I had on my face dropped immediately.

Once I came to a conclusion that there was no point in prolonging this and I'd have to eventually go to that disgraceful place I pressed my middle finger on my thumb before it made a snapping sound and all the noises from the outside resumed.

I finally forced myself to get up from bed and put on some pants and grabbed a towel before heading towards the shower. To my surprise there was no one inside so thankfully I didn't have to wait in line. I took a short shower, not because I wanted to but because although I was enjoying a nice hot water it soon became extremely cold and since I never liked cold showers I had to end it quicker than I was hoping for.

After that I dried my hair and put my school clothes on, which consisted of clean underwear, dark grey jeans, a red and black plaid flannel shirt, socks and a new pair of canvas shoes that Dominique bought for me a few weeks before school started. I was contemplating whether I should have put my beanie hat on but since the weather seemed quite warm I decided against it. I sprayed my cologne on my neck as the last touch before grabbing my backpack and leaving my room.

When I arrived at the kitchen I took a few bites of the toast. Afterwards I noticed the strawberries that looked like they were begging to be eaten and I couldn't resist the temptation. I only drank a small amount of water since I didn't like peeing in school because the bathroom there was disgusting so I wanted to minimize the time I had to spend in it as much as possible.

"Well, well, well," My sister greeted me with a suspicious smirk on her face. "Look who's finally not late. I guess there's a first time for everything."

"Wow, you're a real comedian, aren't you?" I returned a sarcastic smile. "You know what would be super hilarious. If you didn't use all the hot water, little sis."

"Oh I will definitely take that into consideration." She glanced towards the window for a second to appear as if she was contemplating something. "Well I thought about your extremely selfish idea and came to the conclusion. My answer to that is - if you want to take hot showers you better start getting up early. Otherwise shut up and eat your stupid strawberries."

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