Mission Complete

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I woke up around 8 with a text from a lovely friend of mine who asked me to go to a club.

I got out of bed and changed into my red dress that I just bought today with Ashley and Lottie. They even bought one too Ashley and me got the same color and Lottie got hers in pink.

Anyways I grabbed my red lingerie and put that on then the red dress. I went to get started on my make up. I started applying foundation with my foundation brush. I grabbed my highlight and contour pack. I highlighted my forehead, the top of my nose and the sides, I made a triangle on each side of my face under my eye till the end of my eye brow and going down to the apples of my cheek. I also highlighted my chin and a big circle around my mouth and filling in the top and the sides leaving the bottom of my chin. I grabbed my contour three shades darker then my skin tone. I made a fish face then but the contour where the line was and brought it up to my temples and forehead and up my bottom lip. I also outline my jawline with it and the sides of my nose. I blended my contour and highlight with a beauty blender around my face and my neck. Once it was all blended I but a light pink blush on the bottom of my cheeks and connected it with my contour. I also went over my contour with a powder that was the same shade. Starting on my eyes I dipped my brush in a sparkly orange color and applied it to my crease, next I used a sparkly nude eyeshadow and put it on my lid. After I used a dark sparkly brown and applied it around the colors I just used. I gabbed my liquid eyeliner pencil and started to draw my wings how I wanted them. After like 100 q-tips they were perfect just how I wanted them. I then put the same colors I used on the top of my eye and did it on the bottom. After I started on my eyebrows. I brushed them up and traced them with a medium and a light brown. I filled them in with the same color and once I was done with that I took some of my highlight and places it above and below my eyebrows. I grabbed my eyelash curlers and curled my eyelashes (obviously😂) . I took my 3 mascara sand and started doing my top and bottom lashes. once I was content I put them down and started on my lips. I grabbed my sore spice lipliner from Mac and applied it just how Ashley taught me.

I looked in the mirror and my hair was slightly wavy so I kept it and left to go to the club.

-2 hours into the club-

I was sipping my drink and I was pretty drunk. Ashley and the gang are here. I didn't say hi to them or anything but what I found out is that me and Ashley look exactly the same what a coincidence. I smirked to myself walking around the club to reach the gang.

"Hey guys"

"Hi Ashley" I laughed

"Actually Chloe" they all turned around and looked at me as I walked away.

"Ashley come dance with me" a beautiful voice that I knew forever had called me.

Harry grabbed my hand to pull me by him and we started to grind. Oh how I love this boy. Harry started kissing my neck and my jawline until he turned me around and kissed my lips. I saw Ashley run away fast and just like her I ran away from Harry.

"Where have you been we need to go to Niall's house" I nodded my head but on the inside I was doing a little happy dance.

When we got to Nialls house Harry ran out of the house and everyone ran upstairs. Ashley looked at me with daggers.

"Get the fück out of my room if your name starts with a C"

"But why"

"GET. THE. FÜCK. OUT" I left slamming Ashley's door and sitting down stairs in the living room.

I heard everyone coming downstairs so I started to cry. No one heard the just walked out the door. Niall came into the living room and sat next to me.

"Are you ok babe"

"I just don't understand why she told me to leave" I cried more and he held me.

"Sh sh babe it's ok I'm here" I heard a door open and some one walking down the stairs.

I looked into Nialls eyes as he looked back into mine and right as Ashley entered I kissed him.

"Get the fück off of my brother now before I drag you out of this house myself" I pulled away and cried walking out of the house but not before I heard Niall.

"Why are you being so mean you made her fùcking cry" I closed the door and smirked.

Mission complete.


Happy new year! 🎉🎉

I know I'm late but thank you guys for the reads and everything.

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