[Chapter IV • Old Friends]

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It was around five thirty when we decided to go out for an early dinner

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It was around five thirty when we decided to go out for an early dinner. I remembered the old restaurant that everyone usually went to back when I used to live here.

The Mystic Grill.

"So this is where you used to hang out?" Emma asked as we got out of the car.

Making our way into the restaurant, I replied, "Yup. This is the local hangout spot for everyone. I mean, it is named after the town."

As we entered the restaurant, I could tell Emma was inspecting the place. After a few seconds, she mumbled an unenthusiastic, "Cute."

I lightly punched her arm before following Luna over to an empty table. I sat down on one side, motioning Luna to sit between my legs and under the table so she was out of people's way. Emma occupied the seat across from me before asking what I'd like to eat.

"I already know what to order. I've always gotten the same thing from when I was a kid. You should try the turkey club, I know you'd like it."

Emma hummed thoughtfully, no doubt still looking over the menu.

"Hi, I'm Tracy. I'll be taking your order tonight," the waitress said when she got to our table. "Is there something I could get you to drink?"

Before Emma could say a word, I turned my head towards Tracy and said, "I'll have the Bacon Cheeseburger with no tomatoes or onions and add mushrooms with a peach raspberry iced tea. She'll have the Turkey Club sandwich with no mayo and light lettuce with a lemonade and water." I reached forward and snatched the menu from Emma's fingers before holding both hers and mine to the waitress. "That's it. Thank you, Tracy."

"I'll get those right out for you," The waitress took the menus from me and walked away.

There was silence for a couple of seconds; I could feel Emma's eyes digging into me.

"Was that necessary?" She asked, exasperated.

"Absolutely," I grinned, enjoying the irritation I caused. It was fun to rile Emma up sometimes.

"I can order for myself, you know," She grumbled.

I raised my eyebrow. "I know that. But there are some things I can't do that I have to rely on your help for. Placing in an order is something I can do, so please let me."

"Okay," Emma sighed, laying her hand over mine. "I'm sorry. You can order for me for the rest of my life if you want to."

I laughed, shaking my head as I said, "Thank you."

"So, are you going to explain?"

I knew exactly what she was asking. When we left the sheriff's department earlier, I had whispered to Emma that Sheriff Forbes had been lying. I hadn't elaborated since then.

"Yes, that," I leaned back in my seat, rubbing a hand over Luna's head. "Sheriff Forbes was lying to us. When she said that she would look into my uncle's disappearance and find him for me, she was lying. I could hear it in her voice. The pitch changed when she was talking, she paused every other word as if trying to figure out what to say so that I would believe her and leave the matter alone. She was definitely being untruthful."

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