[Chapter VI • Kick-off Party]

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After deciding to stay in Mystic Falls, Emma and I took the necessary measures to transfer from our schools in North Carolina to Mystic Falls High

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After deciding to stay in Mystic Falls, Emma and I took the necessary measures to transfer from our schools in North Carolina to Mystic Falls High. I called my sister to tell her what was happening. Let's just say that she wasn't particularly happy about it, but she understood. She had some things left unfinished in North Carolina so we both agreed she should stay. Besides, Emma and I would return after dealing with the vampires in Mystic Falls.

A couple days after, I got a call from my dad. He told me that him and Stiles were safe and nothing bad had happened. That was all I managed to get out of him until he had to go. We haven't talked since then.

Emma and I attended Vicki Donovan's funeral and memorial service, supporting Matt and his mother, Kelly. Matt was a close friend of mine growing up; I even had a crush on him when I was thirteen, but I knew he would never love someone other than Elena. He deserved better than this.

Vicki and I were close for a time, I did see her as an older sister. She taught me how to put on makeup, let me borrow some of her clothes, and talked to me about boys. She wasn't a close friend, but I did appreciate her advice and could hang out with her. Which was why I couldn't let Vicki down and not find her killer.


It was the week after Vicki's funeral that Emma and I started at Mystic Falls High. I wasn't allowed to bring Luna to the school, so I was using my white cane with Emma's help to navigate. We made sure both our schedules were the same so Emma and I would be able to stick together.

I held onto the back of Emma's arm and swung my white cane in front of my feet as we walked down the high school's hallway. As I went by, I could hear whispers from my classmates. A few times I heard my name along with words like 'blind', 'orphan', and 'accident'. It seemed like everyone remembered the poor Fell girl who was blinded in a car accident three years ago. I had hoped it would be forgotten by now, but I guessed not.

"Aria!" Caroline's voice called from behind me, down the hallway.

Emma and I pulled to a stop as we waited for the blonde to catch up to us.

"Hey," Caroline greeted, gently laying a hand on my shoulder. "What are you doing here? I thought you were headed back to North Carolina."

"Change in plans," I shrugged. "Emma and I have now transferred to Mystic Falls High. We'll be staying in town for a while. Until I have everything sorted out with my uncle."

Since I'd filed the missing persons report on Logan, all I've gotten was vague phone calls from Sheriff Forbes about how she's still 'looking' into it. This just proved she wasn't really searching for him. Which meant Emma and I would have to do it ourselves.

"Really?" Caroline squealed in excitement. "Oh, that's great. I mean, not about your uncle, but that you're staying. I've missed you so much, Aria."

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