four 🍋

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We won't talk about how it happened, but we will talk about WHAT happened.

If you are uncomfortable with mature scenes, feel free to skip this chapter. I won't be saying this to all mature scenes since some following mature chapters are relevant to the story.

We all know that (Name) invited Karsuki for dinner.

As a citizen who deeply appreciates his hardwork, a simple meal wouldn't hurt, right?

(Name) cooked a quick meal and Katauki was more than patient to wait to taste her food. Upon waiting, he made his way toward her living room.

Nothing out of the ordinary. A black leather L-couch in the middle of the room, a glass coffee table, a wall-mounted flat-screen TV and a nice window-wall view of the city on the far end of the room.

Katsuki glanced around,hoping to see any pictures of her family and friends, but everything that was on the wall were paintings and glass canvases.

After a quick walk around the living room, (Name) called him out to eat and they did.

But (Name) didn't know they were bound for a second meal.

2nd person's POV

Katsuki tilted his head to reach deeper inside your mouth. The kiss was hot, sloppy and you both paid no mind on your surroundings.

"The," you said between the kiss. "bedroom's to the left." you continue.

Katsuki pulled away from the kiss and looked at your (eye colored) eyes. Then to your lips with a smirk, "jump, baby."

With your arms around his neck, you jumped and Katsuki swiftly placed his hands behind your knees. Instinctively, you wrapped your legs around his torso as your lips met his once again.

Katsuki was a hero, trained to be aware of his surroundings and train to multitask. With you glued to him and while returning the hot kiss, he made his way toward the said bedroom.

Katsuki pushed the doors opened and flicked the lights on with one hand, while the other carrying you. Not waiting any longer, he threw you softly on the bed.

Once your back met the plush mattress, You gave him an all knowing look paired with a slight smirk. Katsuki removed his turtle neck and you met eyes with him as it slowly, travels down to his neck, his collarbones, his tiddies that are probably bigger than yours then down to his chiseled, hot abs.

you scoffed playfully, "must be big down there, huh?"

Katsuki was taken aback, but instead of answering. He fell untop of you with his weight supported by his arms on both sides. "You wanna see?"

You laughed and reached out for his neck. You pulled yourself closer to him as your lips meet again.

Katsuki's hands made it's way on you back, slowly placing his hands inside you shirt. Gripping her waist and would fondle her breasts to his liking.

Getting irritated of the restrictions of her bra, he swiftly unclaps them which was also beneficial for the lady.

You released a soft moan between the kiss when you felt the tight material off. Katsuki pulls away and his lips made its way down to her jaws, and her earlobes.

You tilt your head back to give Katsuki a better exposure of your skin. Your hands threaded in his hair which you would occasionally massage his scalp—satisfying the man also.

"ugh," you released a soft moan when you felt Katsuki leave a mark on her neck.

His hands played with her breast. His fingers tracing the circles of her nipples and squeezing it not too tightly.

sex, money, feelings die || k. bakugouWhere stories live. Discover now