(4.) Valentine Bound

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You mounted your horse, its warmth a soft comfort.

"Come on, (h/n)," you said, stroking its hair. "Let's get outta here."

You opened the map and identified the road you needed to take.


You had been riding for at least half an hour and you hadn't made great progress. It was difficult trying to navigate and take the safest looking paths based solely on the map, but you were doing your best. It was all you could do.

You opened up the map again to mark your next turn when your horse neighed loudly and bucked you off, throwing you backwards.

It went running off, luckily with none of your supplies, as your suitcase had fallen next to you along with your map and bow that was on your back.

"(h/n)! Get back here, get—" you yelled, but it wasn't turning around. You began to run after it, but it was suddenly out of sight.

You stood still, body aching and feeling defeated. What were you supposed to do now? People had been kind at the stations, but what about out here? In the open country? You had passed a total of two people riding their horses, and they had both been going in the complete opposite direction.

You whistled a few more times in a desperate attempt to call the horse, but nothing came of it. (H/n) was gone, and you were stranded.

You held onto your suitcase and continued walking on the road, hoping to come across someone who could help you.

As exhaustion infested more and more of your body, you grew weaker and more sore in every limb. But if you didn't keep moving, it would be dark, and you'd have nothing to fend off the elements.


You came up on a small path that lead to a house. It had a pen for some type of animal, but it was currently empty and the house looked less than well kept.

You continued down the path, getting a better look at the place. It was built halfway into the hill, providing good cover and a cute, earthy feeling.

The sky got quickly dark, and you felt it begin to sprinkle. You walked quickly up to the house, trying to peer into the windows. There were no lights on, and the closer you got the more you realized this place was abandoned.

You knocked on the door and waited for a response, but none came. You pushed the door open and found the place pleasantly empty. It wasn't a great idea, but you were fresh out of those, and it was beginning to rain.

There were a few lamps lying around, so you turned them on and opened your suitcase for a bit of food.

This would have to do until you figured out a plan.


At some point you fell asleep and when you woke up, it was bright outside.

You got up, made a cup of coffee and peered outside. The rain had subsided but it was still sprinkling lightly.

You made the bed and cleaned up whatever mess you had left the night before, tossing away cans and such.

You were startled by a sudden knock on the door.

Your hand immediately went to your gun, which you grabbed and pointed at the door.

Saint Denis Sweetheart (Sean MacGuire x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now